Thread: Woodcroft Games: Tug-o-War
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Old 06-17-2024, 10:55 AM   #5 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Apollonia Fergersnout

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurora Ackerly
Sixth Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

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Text Cut: Yukes
Originally Posted by Kimothy View Post
Honestly, what a cute opportunity to dress up! That had been one of the motivations for Yukie to decide whether she wanted to grace the Woodcroft Games with her presence, while she had the time in her crazy time table. University was truly a different level of hard work and, while the Babiest Rasting was surprisingly good at keeping up with her responsibilities, it wasn't unheard of when university students just ceased to show themselves to the public during certain periods of the term calendar. Luckily, she had managed to fit a visit right into her schedule for today, having managed to finish most of her homework the night before.

Yukie had also hoped to bump into some familiar faces during the event — maybe a former classmate or a current student that she was friends with. She' only graduated last year, so she was certain it wouldn't be such a difficult task. Like so, when she recognised a certain Fynley Ellis. And he was all dressed up?! She almost couldn't believe her eyes! Almost. We definitely didn't forget about you, Halloween Bat!Fyn.

Making her way to her former classmate as quietly as she can, Yukie had a cheeky grin on her face when she tapped on Fyn's right shoulder, only to move herself to his left so he wouldn't catch her right away. "Don't you look dashing!" The former Hufflepuff wiggled her brows at her friend. "Hi, there. Haven't seen you in forever!" An exaggeration, of course, but it felt like it. She went from seeing her school friends everyday to nearly not at all! Yukie missed that thing about Hogwarts, if she were to be honest.

Ah, the oldest trick in the book. Fynley should’ve known better and yet when his shoulder was tapped he turned over the wrong shoulder still. Upon seeing no one was there, his eyes rolled playfully and he switched to the other side to see Yukie dressed in all her finest. “Dashing? How formal” he smirked before pulling his fellow graduate in for a one armed hug not particularly caring for the fact he might crease her dress in the process. It was necessary, okay?

As for not seeing each other in ‘forever’, he’d argue that was largely on the part of his friends who had decided to proceed with their studies. Personally he thought the idea of being kept in education was torturous, the second he was able to give up that life he did. “Well you all decided to move on without me, didn’t you?” he teased, nudging her shoulder with his own. He hadn’t socialised with many others at all to be honest which was quite a negative for such an extrovert. It was lucky he enjoyed the company of his boyfriend so much then but even they could be like passing ships in the night in between both holding down jobs and Joseph attending university.

Back to the matter at hand however, they were currently facing a touch of friendly competition. “I wouldn’t want to show you up so.. fancy joining me in a tug of war against someone else?” The comment was all in jest, Yukie was more likely to be the one to show him up being the more magically competent one.
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