Thread: Seventh Floor: Astronomy Lesson 1: TBA
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Old 06-17-2024, 04:51 AM   #16 (permalink)
Holmesian Feline

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Marcus Briody Cole

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nadia Atreyu-Rehman
Sixth Year
x8 x8
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna

Ah and now they were getting it. Celeste smiling as the answers poured in from first the young Slytherin, then agreed upon as correct by his fellow classmates. It didn’t really matter who had gotten there first, at least managed to speak up first. “Aye, they are the lunar and solar eclipses,” she confirmed, the words appearing alongside each other upon the board that still resided along the one wall. Listening to Ms. Masters elaborate on her answer, the astronomy professor couldn’t help but nod in agreement.

“Precisely right, Ms. Masters,” she remarked, words similar to what had been said indeed adding themselves to the board under the corresponding type of eclipse. It was always interesting to see just what was previously known. As for the question or rather questions raised by Ms. Montmorency, it wasn’t so cut and dry and Professor Gert took up a perch sitting upon on of the empty desks that wouldn’t block anyone to explain. “Aye an nah depending on the type of eclipse. An this is where tis might get confusing so feel free to speak up an question if I lose ye.” She would try to keep it clear as best she could.

“Thir ur two types of lunar eclipses, partial an’ total eclipses which are pretty self-explanatory. Either th’ moon is covered entirely by th’ earth or because of the angle of one or both celestial bodies, only a part of th’ full moon is in shadow. These happen on average once ur twice a year.” So yes, fairly common. “For solar eclipses, tis three different types. Partial where again only part of the sun is covered which occur as often as ye say. Then there are are annular where the center of the sun but a ring around is covered, the moon is smaller than the sun after all, which happens less often. More like every few years. And then total eclipses where it is complete covered, which can have two years or even decades between.” All of which also depended on the location on the earth one resided on like the third year had mentioned. But enough to speak about…now it was time for some activity.


“Noo while lunar eclipses are relatively harmless tah humans, tis naw the same fur solar eclipses. With both annular an total eclipses, one has tah be careful of looking at the sun during them for the visible ring or the sudden flash of the corona can damage an unprotected gaze by exposure.” Which was part of the reason for today’s lesson given her intended group trip later in the school term. “Muggles use either a type of camera or treated eyeglasses tah allow them to watch safely, but tis also a spell to learn to cast to protect their eyes. “ With this Celeste got back up to her feet and took out her wand once more, the spell and wand movement drawn on the board with a flick.

SPOILER!!: Spell
Corona Protegat - Cor-on-a Pro-te-gat

"The incantation is Corona Protegat," she instructed, careful to say it clear and slow despite her brogue. "An the wand movement is a counterclockwise spiral with a final flick towards the center I wuid like ye to all practice each of them separately before we move on."

ooc: You all are doing awesome. We will hopefully move onto the final activity on Wednesday.
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