Thread: Woodcroft Games: Summoner's Court
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Old 06-16-2024, 10:56 PM   #9 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Apollonia Fergersnout

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurora Ackerly
Fifth Year

x12 x6
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

Text Cut: Monte & Emma
Originally Posted by Monte Bossa View Post
Text Cut: the Sunflower & the Charmander

Gladly accepting the vouchers with an exaggerated bow in which his forehead NEARLY touched his knees (thank you for noticing how nimble he still was at his age), Monte slipped the pieces of paper into the little wooden box provided for such things and sent the couple off with an encouraging round of applause. "I wish you both a happy Woodcroft Games!" he called out and then rested his chin atop his palms. He had not a single knut nor clue as to what a Charmander was, but it was DARLING and Sunflower ADORABLE.

Very squishable like a fluffy plushie and nay a splint end in sight! Though...perhaps after their match he could interest them both in a coupon for 20% off carbonated head spa treatment because those roots were screaming for some refreshment!

Text Cut: the FEISTY SPICEY duo

Another pair of vouchers into the box and this one accompanied by a little hiss in commemoration of the competition heating up. Another pair that could only benefit from a carbonated head spa because HOLY Dumbledore's empty raspberry jam jar...what WERE these two doing? Literally rolling around in dirt. Horrific. Naturally, such things would not be apparent to others but Monte's keen eye and seventh sense was very in tune to such things. In fact, he was not going to wait for after this particular match to hand out the coupons and thus over the shopkeeper strut.

"Greetings and a personalized salutations to you BOTH," he greeted with yet another obnoxious grin while already waving the coupons in front of their faces. "PARDON the interruption to your match here BUT may I PLEASE offer you both a discount carbonated head spa treatment? Refreshing and revitalizing, you'll practically feel like you've a new head on your shoulders!"

Once again being out of the golden loop of youth culture, Monte had nary a clue as to how the darling little blonde was dressed but DID know she had lustrous locks. Perhaps she could do with just a liiiiiiiitle sprinkle of dry conditioner, but the way the sun bounced off her locks certainly did not show too much of a demand for such a thing.

Something else was clearly in demand, however. "Hello there, darling," he smiled kindly at the young girl. "Need a partner, do we? Give your good friend and hair extraordinaire Monte juuuuuuuuuuust moment and the odds shall be in your favor." Monte then pressed his wand to his neck to assist with this very important announcement.

"ATTENTION ONE, ATTENTION ALL! This lovely young lady is in need of a cohort to embark on the challenge that is Summoner's Court! Do NOT miss out on this opportunity!"

And he flashed the young girl another of his signature dazzling smiles.

"They'll be along shortly," he winked.

And hopefully someone without split ends because WHAT a tragic pairing that would be.
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
SPOILER!!: Oh hai! We'll take the bait <3!

The thing was that Emma was the little princess in the Montmorency household. Being the youngest and very much unexpected / wanted surprise meant that she grew up basically getting whatever she wanted. Only today she wasn't just a regular "daddy's princess" or "mummy's princess" but she got to be a renaissance princess which was actually kind of cool. Somehow losing sight of her dormmates from after they got ready together and then seemed to go their separate ways, Emma was left friend-less. No matter though, the extraverted young blond would find someone recognizable.

Not before being distracted by a booming voice calling for a cohort to challenge her. She knew Aurora. Well, mostly through their mutual friendship of Anna, but no matter. She was slightly confused as to where Anna maybe had meandered off, but perhaps like herself, Aurora accidentally ended up wandering around alone.

She'd been researching some simple Renaissance greetings the past few weeks and figure it was a good time as any to use it. "Good day, My Lord," she acknowledged Monte before turning to Aurora, "Hail thee, good lady. Thou cohort hath arrived." She pinched either side of her skirt, curtseying. Hopefully will be well-received.

Aurora didn’t mind waiting for a partner and was quite content with watching the participants playing their own matches. She was rather fascinated by them actually, the ease in which some of them controlled their magic to where it had become second nature. Like they didn’t have to constantly think ahead or delve into their memory. Some things Aurora picked up very quickly, others she was a little slower at. But it was okay, she was doing okay.

So invested in these other matches was she, that she hadn’t heard the stylist approach until he was right next to her. She glanced up in almost comedic fashion, taking in the golden outfit, the perfect coiffed hair and the beaming white smile until her eyes settled on his face and she realised what he was saying to her. “Oh it’s okay I was just—.” she began to reassure him but it was too late, he had already proceeded with his announcement to the entirety of Hogsmeade. The fifteen year old wasn’t typically one to be embarrassed by being outed in such a way but the second that the sparkly man projected his voice to exclaim that she was partnerless, the colour rose to her cheeks and she felt a little self-conscious. She was equally enthralled by his magnificence however so she daren’t protest and he was only trying to help. “Thank you?” she blinked before remembering her manners and offering him back an equally pearly white smile.

The brief period of mild humiliation was abruptly dissipated by the arrival of a taker in the form of a young Hufflepuff. The language she was using was a little confusing to say the least, mostly because the films based in the medieval times she had watched generally used modern English but she assumed that it was affirmative anyway. “Do you need a partner too?” she asked after a quick curtsy of her own.
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