Thread: Woodcroft Games: Caber Toss
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Old 06-16-2024, 10:22 PM   #6 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Apollonia Fergersnout

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurora Ackerly
Fifth Year

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Text Cut: Regina
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
Regina, perhaps surprisingly, had actually been looking forward to this event ever since she had heard about it. Once, she would have done anything to avoid large gatherings like these. And though it wasn't something she would want to do all the time, it didn't terrify her like it once did, and that felt like a win. She had even voluntarily dressed up in a costume for the occasion, even if it might've been less elaborate than other outfits she had seen around.

Her mum and other family members were wandering about somewhere, and she was hoping Scott would have a chance to stop by during one of the days, but for now, she was on her own, checking out the different stalls and games as she followed the map, trying to get the lay of the land.

It was as she paused by the caber toss area that she spotted another familiar face in line. "Ruby!" She said, walking over to her friend with a smile. "Hey! How are you?"

Ruby couldn’t have agreed more with Regina’s sentiment. Social gatherings, on the large scale certainly, had once been her idea of intimidation and she would’ve tried to keep out of the main bubble as much as she could. A combination of a growing confidence alongside a career that practically forced her to work under pressure in busy environments had led her to somewhat relax in crowds now. Besides, a magical medieval themed Highland Games in one of her favourite comfort places sounded like an enjoyable way to spend a free afternoon.

Granted she was feeling a little overdressed and started to regret not choosing a simple peasant dress rather than her ode to Rowena. A pair of trousers wouldn’t go amiss with some of these more physical activities either.

She was about to step forward as next in line when a familiar voice called over her shoulder. With a graceful swish of her skirt she turned around, a smile befalling her face leaving her resembling her mother for once. “Regina” she replied, placing her hands on the woman’s shoulder and kissing the air by her cheek. “I’m so glad to see a familiar face. I was beginning to become concerned that I’d only know my parents.” She nodded over in the general direction of the picnic area where she’d last seen the couple. “I’m perfectly well thank you. I thought I’d visit on my afternoon off from work.” Which were few and far between some weeks, not that the former Ravenclaw minded throwing herself into her career.
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