Thread: Woodcroft Games: Tug-o-War
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Old 06-16-2024, 07:55 PM   #2 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Apollonia Fergersnout

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurora Ackerly
Fifth Year

x12 x6
Default Kimmy/Yukie <3
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

This was not the type of festival that Fynley would ordinarily be seen in. It wasn’t that he considered the event beneath him, it just wasn’t his style of music nor did he enjoy the concept of dressing up. What he did enjoy was a touch of friendly competition, a fun new sport to partake in and the opportunity to see people he might not have seen in the past year. There was also the added bonus that Joseph was going too although he’d separated from his company as the other had gone to find his siblings before they regrouped later.

His choice of attire had been rather casual compared to some of the efforts his fellow guests had chosen. He’d acquired the shirt and arm guards from some fancy dress store in muggle London and the sweatpants and Timberland boots were from his own wardrobe. The only thing he had searched for was a replica drum which had been slung casually by the leather strap over his shoulder and which was beating softly with every step he made. The matching drumsticks were tucked into the holster alongside his rarely used wand.

The former Slytherin had instead found his way over to the tug-o-war, hoping to show off the Keeper strength only to be dejected by the realisation that it was a magical rendition and he would have to hone into the magical skills he had worryingly forgotten since graduation. With the combination of his job teaching drums at Atticus’ and as a Quidditch coach at Synergy Quidditch Camp, Fynley hadn’t needed to use magic much beyond flying and the odd task in his and Joseph’s flat.

Not one to give up easily however and because he was too stubborn to walk away before he had even tried, the nineteen year old waited around by the activity hoping for someone he knew to walk by. He was sure he had seen a few familiar faces around earlier, if not he would grab one of the Schultz’s later.
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