Thread: Woodcroft Games: Summoner's Court
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Old 06-16-2024, 02:21 AM   #8 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Amelia Adara

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Emma Montmorency (#301199)
Third Year

x12 x8
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers

SPOILER!!: Oh hai! We'll take the bait <3!
Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
If there was any excuse to dress up like your favourite princess then Miss Aurora Ackerly was going to grab it immediately. To be perfectly honest, she had restrained herself by avoiding going full ballgown and instead opting for a peasant dress that somewhat reflected the clothing of the time. She’d spent hours scouring the costume closet in search of pieces to put together, the headband was one of her own as was the bag and she’d asked a friend to transfigure her hair to the full bangs she was currently sporting. She truly did look like Briar Rose had stepped out of her cartoon and was flitting her way around Hogsmeade.

She hadn’t made any prior arrangements for meeting up with anybody so the fifth year arrived alone, swooshing her skirt back and forth as she approached each activity with a look of interpretation. Her magical skills might not have been up to scratch but Aurora was always willing to give anything a go, besides it might have made good revision for her upcoming OWLs to practice. Summoner’s Court was perhaps not the easiest activity to start with but alas it was the first that caught her eye.

Only problem being that she had not thought ahead and grabbed a partner to play with leaving her looking a little like a lost puppy.

Originally Posted by Monte Bossa View Post
Once again being out of the golden loop of youth culture, Monte had nary a clue as to how the darling little blonde was dressed but DID know she had lustrous locks. Perhaps she could do with just a liiiiiiiitle sprinkle of dry conditioner, but the way the sun bounced off her locks certainly did not show too much of a demand for such a thing.

Something else was clearly in demand, however. "Hello there, darling," he smiled kindly at the young girl. "Need a partner, do we? Give your good friend and hair extraordinaire Monte juuuuuuuuuuust moment and the odds shall be in your favor." Monte then pressed his wand to his neck to assist with this very important announcement.

"ATTENTION ONE, ATTENTION ALL! This lovely young lady is in need of a cohort to embark on the challenge that is Summoner's Court! Do NOT miss out on this opportunity!"

And he flashed the young girl another of his signature dazzling smiles.

"They'll be along shortly," he winked.

And hopefully someone without split ends because WHAT a tragic pairing that would be.

The thing was that Emma was the little princess in the Montmorency household. Being the youngest and very much unexpected / wanted surprise meant that she grew up basically getting whatever she wanted. Only today she wasn't just a regular "daddy's princess" or "mummy's princess" but she got to be a renaissance princess which was actually kind of cool. Somehow losing sight of her dormmates from after they got ready together and then seemed to go their separate ways, Emma was left friend-less. No matter though, the extraverted young blond would find someone recognizable.

Not before being distracted by a booming voice calling for a cohort to challenge her. She knew Aurora. Well, mostly through their mutual friendship of Anna, but no matter. She was slightly confused as to where Anna maybe had meandered off, but perhaps like herself, Aurora accidentally ended up wandering around alone.

She'd been researching some simple Renaissance greetings the past few weeks and figure it was a good time as any to use it. "Good day, My Lord," she acknowledged Monte before turning to Aurora, "Hail thee, good lady. Thou cohort hath arrived." She pinched either side of her skirt, curtseying. Hopefully will be well-received.

___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror.
________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem
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