Thread: Woodcroft Games: Picnic Area
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Old 06-15-2024, 02:49 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alfie Adair
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Laini Gracae-Ryans
Second Year
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SPOILER!!: reeeub
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley View Post
When Bronwen had mentioned how happy she was that he wore the hat, Reuben's grin has only widened. Though he'd been sure to tell her that Brian was probably jealous he'd brought it with him, and not left it for the golden retriever puppy to chew on. It bore a slight mark from that situation - which had only occurred because Reuben had forced the dog to wear the cap for a series of photos to share with Bronwen - but when he was wearing it, it wasn't noticeable. Which was good, because he didn't want her to think he didn't look after it! He did! Sharing it with Brian was looking after it!


Reuben was thoughtful for a moment - okay, a second, before he shrugged in response to her question. "Maybe the barrel roll, or tug-of-war. I'm not too good at the summoning charm," he said without shame. It was what it was, after all, and he'd never pretended otherwise. He was repeating fifth year for a reason, one that had a bit to do with his natural aptitude and a lot to do with his willingness to practice and study.

Bronwen's breathy laugh did something to Reuben that had his stomach flipping all sorts of ways. It was one of the reasons he was nodding before she'd even finished her question, offering his hand to her. "I'd love to."

It was a chance to show off his ~mooooooves. Which, he would like to point out, he inherited from his dance-teaching mother. That was to say, he wasn't a bad dancer. He had a great deal of natural rhythm, he was particularly coordinated (from football), and he always had fun. So, not a bad dancer. But also not a great one. Though, if you asked him, what did it matter if they were having fun?

She also thought he looked really good with the hat on, but that was neither here nor there because she wasn't supposed to think about him in that way.

Ahem. AnYwAy, indeed.

"Me neither," she admitted without pause. She was also repeating fifth year and though she was a touch embarrassed still, Reuben was the one person she didn't feel ashamed in front of. They were kind of in it together, y'know? It helped. It was comfortable with him and he made her feel smart. "Barrel roll sounds fun! We should try that one for sure." Honestly, she'd be up for trying everything. There wasn't really anything holding her back. Except that summoning charm, maybe.

"I was hoping you'd say that," Bon beamed as she took his hand and pulled him closer towards the music. Bon may not have had a dance teacher as a mother, but she had a wrockstar as one and where there were wrockstars, there was music. Constantly. It coursed through her blood, existed within her bones, it was everything and she moved freely.

"You're a great dancer!" Her smile took up her whooole face as she swayed gracefully. Was she surprised? Honestly? Kind of! He was, like, the jock type. She hadn't expected he'd be so good at keeping in rhythm.

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