Thread: Woodcroft Games: Summoner's Court
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Old 06-14-2024, 05:46 PM   #6 (permalink)
Charely Potter
St. Mungo's Mod

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Ean Zoilo Feirgrund

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Kion Baltasar Ingebretson
Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Firash Grunt
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Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
What was a date without a healthy serving of competition? A horrendously boring one, that was for sure. Food, drink, and other obligations of merriment could wait as Sadie approach the summoner's court area hand-in-hand with her boyfriend. She was sure that he was already smirking and being particularly ridiculous with that sideways grin of his since she had yanked him almost immediately in this direction upon their arrival. The Ravenclaw alumna was a woman who knew what she liked and what she did not, what she wanted and what she did not, so it was only natural that she show initiative.

"No blue balls for you," she chortled while handing over their tickets to the flamboyant man and walking with Curtis over to the furthermost court and up on to the platform with several sharp clicks of her heeled boots where she took the position of the blue side. "And we're obviously going with Nundu," she continued while beginning to tap the bronze disk in search of said creature. "Aaaand since I won the last competition...I'll let you set the stakes this time." They really had been getting good use out of that 'kiss the cook' apron thanks to their flirtatious bets.

Also, did he realize that his shirt was missing several buttons again. Of course he did. Of course he did.
After the amount of time they had spent together, it was no surprise that Curtis' girlfriend, Sadie, knew exactly where his feelings were. The devilish smirk on his lips, what caused it? The feel of her soft and lotioned hands? The way she tugged him with clear directions? The fact that he was here, back near the grounds of the school that he nearly faced expulsion multiple times from? Or all of the above? It didn't take Merlin to figure this one out.

"Nope," Curtis said, "You're an expert on handling the balls here," He could settle on red, even though it was such a Gryffindor colour. One of the eyebrows he inherited from Papa rose. "Oh? Are you that excited to lose?" Sure, she won their last game, but he quite remembered how spectacularly she handled losing on their very first date in the bowling head alley. "That's fine with me, I like setting the stage."

Curtis gave his shoulders a couple rolls to remove any nicks and pops. Before eyeing the court. There were bouncing blocks, swirling vortexes, and a couple of ramps appearing. Ahem. After clearing his throat, Curtis aimed at the red ball, Accio!. Wordlessly pulling it, the sudden jolt took him by surprise before he let go immediately. The ball rolled in the red... stopping at the edge before orange. 10 points. Really?!

Rather than show his disappointment. He stood straighter before turning with a smirk, "You're up next, Queen." Winking.


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