Thread: Woodcroft Games: Picnic Area
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Old 06-14-2024, 04:31 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alfie Adair
Second Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Laini Gracae-Ryans
First Year
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SPOILER!!: reeeeubbbbyyyy
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley View Post
After the incidents at the Halloween party (namely that Bronwen had left with Ezra), it had actually taken Reuben a while to follow up on his request for a date. Given that he'd been going on dates with others, it was hardly fair for Reuben to be annoyed with the other boy (never with Bronwen, of course), but it had taken until after the Christmas break for any resentment to fizzle away. And then after that, he was a bit frazzled with the return back to school. Of course he'd apologised for the delay in making good on his request, though he figured that the celebration... fair... thingy had come at the perfect time. This was way cooler than just your average Hogsmeade weekend (though it was prudent to mention his other dates to the village had gone pretty fantastic, anyway).

Reuben had most definitely told his date that she looked amazing more than once on the walk down. And also that it wasn't that she didn't always look great, because she did, but more so that she looked particularly good on this day. He, of course, hadn't gone all in on the theme, though the green short cloak he'd managed to dig out of his trunk matched his favourite trainers, and that was a win in his eyes. Along with his new favourite cap, courtesy of his date herself, he thought he was making this old school-modern look a trend. He'd also written to a number of his uncles and aunts, begging those that would be unlikely to go for their alumni vouchers, all so that he wouldn't run out - the idea was embarrassing, to say the least.

When Bronwen squeezed his hand, he beamed at her in response. "Apparently there's some games - a, uh, a barrel roll, a tug of war.... some kind of summoning thing and, ah -" he scrunched his face up, and then shook his head. "Can't remember the last one." The fact that he'd managed to remember any was almost impressive, given he was useless at most things. But he was quite looking forward to the barrel roll (the disappointment that he didn't get to be in the barrel still lingered on the horizon, given he'd not read the leaflet thoroughly). Oh, and the tug of war! Though he was more looking forward to showing off, in that instance.

Turning his head in the direction of the singing frogs, Reuben laughed, joining in Bronwen's clapping as they finished their song. "That is mental. How'd they teach 'em that?"

It had actually worked in Reuben's favor that he had waited so long to make good on his request for a date. The wait had built up anticipation and more than that, it had given Bon enough time for her whole perspective about the matter to flip on its head. You see, she didn't not want to go on the date with him. It was more that she didn't want to want to go on the date with him. Like. She wasn't into Reuben like that anymore. Not after the whole spin-the-bottle fiasco. She wasn't! She wasn't! She-- she had started to wonder if he had changed his mind about wanting to take her out. And despite not being into him like that anymore (no, seriously!!), she couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed that he had changed his mind or, worse, forgotten about it.

So she was so thrilled when he asked her for this weekend (and only for that reason because again she soooo wasn't into him like that anymore!!!!!) and even more thrilled when she saw he wore her gift. Something which she made sure to tell him several times on their walk down to the village. She was touched, really. It made her feel ... something. Something very platonic. Soooooo platonic. Ahem.

Mmm? Bon looked back at him, matching his smile with one of her own when he began listing off all the activities. How did he remember everything?! "Whoa, all of those sound so fun," she remarked thoughtfully. Some more than others, but she could always cheer on the sidelines for something like tug of war. "We should try a few! Which do you think sounds best?" What was a barrel roll about anyway?

But more than the games and the decor, it was the frogs that had Bron the most impressed of all. That was CRAZY!! "I have no idea," she replied between breathy laughter. "But, I was into it."

Just then, the next song started and it was a bit more upbeat than the last. The sounds had Bronwen swaying "Will you dance with me?"
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