Thread: Woodcroft Games: Butterbeer Barrel Roll
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Old 06-13-2024, 05:48 PM   #4 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Apollonia Fergersnout

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurora Ackerly
Sixth Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Tessa McKinley
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Text Cut: Our Hufflepuffle
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

Anna would, most likely, be the last to know about historical inaccuracies to the costumes worn on this beautiful day in Hogsmeade but would insist that Similini had done an absolutely amazing job with her costume and she looked cuter than a mooncalf calf - which was a BIG compliment because Anna found them positively adorable. Her own costume had been something she had found in the back of some storage closet or another near the History of Magic classroom (or had it been in storage in the room Drama Club met?) so there was a chance her own was at least a little accurate...though the Hufflepuffle hardly paid any mind to that. Rather she was relishing in feeling like the classical beauties seen in numerous portraits about Hogwarts and radiating cheer thanks to the warm mustard yellow color of her dress and the baby's-breath blossoms adorning her hair like stars scattered across the night sky - only in her case it was soft white on vibrant cinnamon brown curls.


Thankfully she had been too excited to take her little sister around to be dislodged or discombobulated by the weary and mildly indignant glance their mother had offered upon meeting Anna briefly while enroute to scoop up Similimi for some sister-to-sister time. The headpiece made of floral sunshine made her especially easy to find and soon Anna had appeared right behind her little sister and gingerly pounced on her by covering the youngest Walles' eyes with both her hands.

"Bet you only need one guuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees," she sung while swaying them both lightly from side to side.

If Simona knew that Anna had ever doubted her beauty then she would inform her that she had always looked like a Princess to her. Perhaps it was because physically the two shared more similarities, the long curly hair, the reddish tint and the soft freckles over the bridge of their noses. Or maybe it was the incredibly creative tales that Anna weaved, of pirates and treasure hunting and ice cream showers. Being around such talented, individual women gave the ten-year-old the confidence to be who she wanted to be which right now was a quiet, thoughtful and creative child who was SO ready to join the clan at Hogwarts, even if it meant being together for only a year.

She was about to watch the next round of barrel rolling when her vision was obscured by what she could only assume was a pair of hands belonging to a very familiar voice. The slightly alarmed expression on her face morphed into a genuine smile as they swayed side to side. “My favourite A named Hufflepuffle” she giggled gently, using the name that Anna had always referred to her house by. The ONLY Hufflepuff beginning with A she knew admittedly but she couldn’t say her favourite Hufflepuff nor could she say her favourite sister beginning with A for fear of singling out one of the other girls. Simi was diplomatic for sure.

She removed Anna’s hands from her eyes and guided them to her shoulders for the hug she had been longing for since the girl’s left home after the Christmas break. “I was going to watch the race. Are you going to have a go?” She’d considered having a trial herself but she didn’t have a wand yet, nor had she learned any of the spells necessary and despite the obvious precautions taken to prevent injury, she was a little too little on this occasion.
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