Thread: Woodcroft Games: Picnic Area
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Old 06-13-2024, 02:54 PM   #6 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post
It was... wonderful for Freddie to be back so close to Hogwarts. Only felt like yesterday he had left Hogwarts. He wasn't alone though as he excitedly held his roommate's hand while leading around to take in the sights. There were so many games to play and enjoy and sights to see.

"Wow! Look at all the food, Atlas," Freddie's eyes glazed over at the selection of sweets and goodies. "Did you want anything right now or we could just-" His eyes never stuck on one sighting, followed the shiny cup. "That looks like the infamous Helga Hufflepuff cup! Doesn't it?" He knew they wouldn't have the real thing within the grasp of everyone.
There were a lot of things not on his BINGO card and a return to Hogsmeade for fun certainly was on it. Atlas had been fairly positive that the moment he had boarded the Hogwarts Express, gold glitter still clinging to his trousers from signing the Memory Book the night before, from Hogsmeade Station to head back to London and he had bid it and the silhouette of Hogwarts castle against the morning sky adieu with a cursory glance had been his last...or at least his last for a decade or so. It almost felt TOO soon to be back here and yet here he was. Or they were.

There had been several times since their arrival by floo that he had wanted to point out to Freddie that he really did not need to keep ahold of his hand like that - Atlas wasn't going to go running off nor get lost - but the warm sunshine or whatever had him feeling more amicable and agreeable to such gestures in such a setting. "You know you're always hun---" Atlas found his gentle jab cut short by Freddie's golden retriever level excitability which brought about an involuntary but incredibly sincere chuckle and smile from the Gryffindor alumnus. "It does...if you squint at it and ignore the fact that it is clearly made from a flimsier alloy," he noted with a critical eye and rub of his nose with the palm of his hand - sweet solstice did he miss his tinkering monocle right now so he could inspect it more intimately. "You going to pick it up?"

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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