Thread: Woodcroft Games: Picnic Area
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Old 06-13-2024, 07:28 AM   #5 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rowan Fairfax
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ezra Greenwood
Fifth Year
Default Will post a costume when I have time after work. <3
Yeahhh, Mr White! Yeah science!

Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
It might have been almost forty years since she had graduated from Hogwarts but Trixie was no stranger to its neighbouring village and had visited on numerous occasions. It wasn’t for any reason in particular, more for nostalgia’s sake, that and she liked to keep up-to-date with what was happening in the community and the best gossip always seemed to radiate from the village. It likely didn’t help that her maternal instincts were overly strong when her children were in attendance and now that her granddaughter was a student too, she hated to be separated from them.

The minute that the Woodcroft Games were announced, the Healer cleared time in her and her husband’s schedule to visit. She didn’t need an excuse per se but it seemed the ideal opportunity to drag poor Freddie along for the occasion with the premise that perhaps they might be able to find Rowan. Her flaming locks would have been quite obvious against the dark stoned buildings had Hogsmeade not been transformed back to the 900’s and were the patrons not adorned with such grand, colourful attire. Trixie had gone rather simplistic herself so as to not outshine her husband who she knew would not be impressed with the thought of ‘dressing up’.

With an ordinary cup of tea in one hand and the other firmly within her partners, the former Slytherin led the way over to the picnic area to find a spot to watch the performances but got distracted by the cup on the way. “Hmm.. Generous of course but I’m not so sure about adventurous” she teased, reading the inscribed words. “Although I suppose that this is rather adventurous for you, my darling.” Her lips spread into a smile. It wasn’t his scene, nor was it likely how he’d want to spend his weekend but Trixie knew that she had his full unwavering support and he hadn’t taken too much convincing, except on the costume part.
This wasn't Freddie's scene. The once tearaway teen had grown into a homebody. A father, a grandfather, a rewarding career. He loved his home in Cornwall and his favourite place was out on the cliff path with the dogs, no matter the weather. To be out in a light drizzle, the wind on his face and the taste of salt from the ocean on his lips. Freddie had always had an old soul, but circumstance had not allowed him to embrace it until he left London and his parents home.

At one time, he would have protested over attending an event such as this – he felt uncomfortable in his costume, even though he had kept it to just a hint to the event. He didn't particularly like crowds and being around people, but he also didn't want to let Trixie down because she thrived at these sorts of things. Plus, there was that possibility they may see their granddaughter.

He held Trix's hand, nonchalant and relaxed to any onlookers. And, to be fair, it wasn't awful. It was good to see Hogsmeade again; the atmosphere was electric, the decorations jovial. It was difficult not to feel cheered.

It was also nice to escape to the quieter picnic area. He was still a fussy eater and none of the food on offer appealed to him, so, like Trixie, he settled for a cup of tea. A hint of a smile as she spoke. “That all depends on your definition of adventurous.” He replied in his usual quiet, soft manner. “You do remember where I came from, don't you?” But.. those days were a lifetime ago. Things had changed so much since his short time at Hogwarts, meeting Trixie, and during the years that followed. He was a Grandfather now. Of three! How insane was that? “It's actually not as bad as I thought it was going to be.” And that was a compliment coming from Fred. “You look lovely, by the way.” The blonde really suited the whole vibe of this.

“Let's find somewhere to sit?”
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