Cyan Kensington
Basics: Name: Cyan Jaxxon Kensington
Nicknames: Cyan, Cy
Age: 33
Birthdate: 25 April 2082
Place of Birth: London, England
Current Home: London, England
Heritage: pureblood
Wand: exactly 12⅘” unyielding hawthorn with wampus cat hair
Patronus: runespoor
Boggart: a clown
Amortentia: mint, the sea, the moment before it rains
Animagus: n/a
Play-by: Jonathan Bailey
Post Color: #2e8b57
Appearance: Height: 5’11”
Weight: Hair Color: dark brown
Eye Color: brown
Skin tone: Body type: Descriptive Marks: Family and Friends: Parents: Harrison Kensington and Astra Kensington (née Lynwood)
Siblings: Adair, Breanne (twin sister), Darcie and Esmé
Ex-girlfriend: Kalysta Langston
Children: Eilonwy Kensington (born 19 Mar 2110)
Pets: Friends:
Kiara Mordaunt
MBTI type: ENTJ-A, the Commander
wizard chess
Quidditch (watching, not playing)
the waltz
being wrong about things
dark magic
Schooling: House: Slytherin, class of 2100
Favorite Classes: Least Favorite Classes: Extracurriculars: OWLs Received In: Ancient Runes: E
Arithmancy: A
Astronomy: A
Care of Magical Creatures: P
Charms: O
Divination: D
Herbology: E
History of Magic: E
Muggle Studies: A
Potions: D
Transfiguration: E NEWTs Received In: Ancient Runes: A
Arithmancy: E
Astronomy: E
Charms: E
Herbology: E
History of Magic: O
Muggle Studies: E
Transfiguration: E Further Education: WU London, degree in Magical and Muggle Law (bachelor’s and master’s), further degree in Magical and Muggle Prosecution Law
Employment: Former Place of Employment: Spellbound Law
Position: intern (May 2104- June 2106)
Former Place of Employment: Owens and Gardiner
Position: junior attorney (July 2106- December 2108), prosecutor (December 2108 - September 2113)
Place of Employment: British Ministry of Magic
Position: Ministry Prosecutor (2113-)
History: *will edit in once written*