Thread: Fourth Floor: Study Hall
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Old 06-05-2024, 09:38 AM   #4 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Anna Walles
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sage Ransom-Kruus
Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
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Originally Posted by Samia View Post
Freddy hated the library - which was ironic, considering his academic interest - but yes, he hated it. Maybe it was the confined space or maybe it was the quiet (hah!) - maybe it was the dingy way he felt around too many books, but he preferred the open air when it came to studying.

The study hall too was only a tiniest bit better - and he would never come here alone. Today, however, was to do with tutoring, and that he could tolerate. Tolerance was one thing he knew he had to practise constantly - in order to survive - so here he was, books ready - waiting for Anna, hoping to somehow help her like he had managed with Fynley. And suffice to say, if he had been able to get Fynley to fix his grades even a little bit, he could do anything.

Books open, quill tapping idly on one of them - his eyes scanned all that he wanted to cover today.
Was it embarrassing for a 17-year-old to still write important things on their hand? Apparently so...if housemates and other unsolicited advice from peers had anything to do with it. Thankfully Anna was not the sort to be too embarrassed about being authentically herself...though she was beginning to notice a very specific gap between herself and others her age that she could not exactly put to words but there was just this feeling and vibe that seemed to encompass things. Or maybe it was more she just did not have time to consider these things, especially not with the journaling that Professor Feirgrund had assigned to her.

Speaking of which...he had also suggested that she carry around a notepad to take notes on things like important meetings and her schedule. Where had she put that notepad again? If only the broken remembrall she kept in her pocket actually worked - she was still under the disillusion that it would work again on its own accord.

Needless to say...Anna WAS running just a tiny bit late. Just a tiny bit. Not more than ten minutes like the last time nor 30 minutes like the time or so before...but she was not precisely on time either. She hoped that the brain fuel (also known as Honeydukes sweets) would her apology - she really loathed disappointing friends. Whether Freddy considered them friends or not was kind of inconsequential. They had survived acromantula in the Forbidden Forest AND detention together so they were bonded.

"Hi," she chirped with a wide smile as she approached his choice of table with hurried steps. "I'm a little late again...I know...I'm sorry...but I didn't forget," she explained while holding up her palm which was covered in smudge black ink that if one were to squint at it long enough one may just barely be able to make out the time and location of their promised study session. "I took the wrong moving staircase...I think...would you like a sugar quill?"

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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