Thread: Woodcroft Games: Picnic Area
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Old 05-26-2024, 06:33 AM
Harold Lagerty Harold Lagerty is offline
Default Picnic Area

Tired from playing all the exciting games and desire a place for a break? Need a comfy spot in which to feed your stomach with all the yummy treats the stalls have to offer? Look no further than the picnic area. A sea of colorful blankets awaits you on one side should you brave sitting on the ground. The other hosts plenty of tables if you prefer to not sit on the ground or risk the wildlife getting into your food. No matter what you chose, you’ll have a nice view of the stage set up for festivities. Be sure to sit for a spell long enough to hear the Hogwarts’ Frog Choir perform amongst some of the local talent offering their musical offerings for all to enjoy.

Off beneath a majestic oak tree that graces the left-hand outskirts of the picnic area you will find a statue made of gold and stone. On closer inspection it is a beautiful replica of the infamous Hufflepuff Cup sitting in wait attached upon a granite pillar commemorating Hengist of Woodcroft's house. Grasp the fine-wrought handles and wait - should your spirits prove generous and adventurous in nature, like the Hogsmeade founder himself, it will magically fill with liquid and upon release of the handles offer the lucky soul a voucher for a free beverage of their choosing from the Three Broomsticks which can be redeemed at present or at your next visit to Hogsmeade. Should the cup, however, remain empty then perhaps you ought go give one of the festivals games a whirl and try again after...
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