Thread: Woodcroft Games: Tug-o-War
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Old 05-26-2024, 06:33 AM
Harold Lagerty Harold Lagerty is offline
Default Tug-o-War

Just opposite of Hogsmeade’s Cemetery and what would be deemed an exceptional place to view the Woodcroft Parade that was to come later, sits a grassy area. This particular area is where the coveted Tug-o-War will be taking place. Manned by Scrivenshaft’s Tony Killingworth and his favourite feline companion, Goose. Mr. Killingworth is dressed in a magnificent glittery medieval outfit that screamed Hufflepuff. He may be a Gryffindor at heart but today, Hengist of Woodcroft will be celebrated in all his glory. Even little Goose has donned a matching outfit to partake in the festivities.

"Step right up! Come participate in a round or two of a riveting display of strength!" Tony announced loudly, his enthusiastic voice magically magnified. Goose too threw in a few encouraging mews while pausing to allow members of the growing crowd.

Tony cleared his throat. "You may take part in one-on-one games, or two groups of two - so four in total. Magic is allowed. However, this version requires that you make use of the Seize and Pull Charm ONLY. Your task is to use the Charm with your partner - if you are playing as a team - to pull the other team over this gorgeously bold multicoloured line." Tony paused dramatically to indicate to the line that was a mix of neon colours. No one could ever miss that one. "The first person - or team - to drag the other across this adorable white line on the ground will be declared triumphant. Goose - " Tony gestured to the cat bumping its head on a random person's ankle. "And I will be around to ensure everything goes smoothly."

  • Games can be facilitated in two formats:
    1. One on one
    2. Teams of two (two characters one each end of the rope)
  • The Seize and Pull Charm MUST be used on the rope. The team that pulls their opponent over the line declared the winner.
  • You don't have to wait until a group finishes with the rope; simply assume that its your group's turn.
  • Tony and Goose will be around for interactions but you the RPers are free to determine the outcome of the games.
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