Thread: Information: Welcome to the Woodcroft Games
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Old 05-26-2024, 06:33 AM
Harold Lagerty Harold Lagerty is offline
Default Welcome to the Woodcroft Games

What is it?
A celebration for Hogsmeade’s 1200th anniversary conceptualized and run by Hogwarts faculty and Hogsmeade proprietors. Think of the traditional Highland Games but with a magical and theatrical twist.

Who can attend?
While this is a Hogwarts RPG event, it is open to the wizarding public and therefore all Snitchseeker Wizarding World characters are eligible to attend. The Hogwarts Faculty encourage you in particular to play your Hogwarts student age characters and Hogwarts alumni at this event as the village of Hogsmeade, Board of Governors, and Ministry of Magic have come together to provide special vouchers for all current and former Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry students to ensure that all may experience this historic event. More details about vouchers can be found below.

To surmise, you can play a whole number of characters at this event! Please utilize the Patrons & Attire thread to introduce your character(s) and show off their festive garb should they have decided to dress for the occasion. Please see the Patrons & Attire thread for more details.

When will it be open?
IC: The weekend of the 2nd-4th March 2114.
[OOC: June 11th - July 20th]

It is known that there is an IC timeline discrepancy between the start date of the event OOC and IC March (which is only 10 days’ time OOC) and appreciate everyone's flexibility with wibbly wobbly timelines to allow for ample time for people to play.

What are the Woodcroft Games vouchers and how do they work?
Vouchers are an additional RPG pizzazz to enrich your RPG experience, provide in-character connections, and add to Snitchseeker canon.

Current Hogwarts students would have received a sheet of ten vouchers from their Heads of House prior to the Hogsmeade weekend. Alumni would have received their sheet of ten by Owl Post. Patrons who did not graduate from Hogwarts or those wanting additional vouchers can purchase them at the Three Broomsticks. You do not need to RP anything to have your character receive these vouchers, so please take this information and apply it in-character as needed.

Each game costs one voucher to participate. Food and drink either one or two vouchers depending on the item.

Where can I play?
The Hogwarts and Hogsmeade team have created a whole schedule of events for your characters to enjoy:

Additional IC details your character(s) will experience and/or be apart of
  • Woodcroft Parade
    Hogsmeade proprietors, residents, and members of the Hogwarts Drama Club weave through Hogsmeade village through song and dance as they reenact the story of how a grassy knoll became Hogsmeade thanks to Hengist of Woodcroft. Each establishment has its own segment in the parade for spectators to enjoy and, just maybe, receive a free ware or two being passed out from the simple but charming decorated carts pulled by various winged horse breeds. (see parade route on event map)
  • Small Stage Performances
    Marvel at the spectacular costumes, enjoy theatrical performances portraying tales and reenactments of Hengist of Woodcroft’s life from Hufflepuff youth through Muggle persecution to Hogsmeade founder and listen to traditional Scottish music courtesy of the Hogwarts Drama Club & Orchestra.

RP Threads
  • Magical Highland Games
    • Caber Toss
    • Butterbeer Barrel Roll
    • Tug-o-War
    • Summoners Court
  • Food & Drink Stalls
  • Picnic Area
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