Join Date: Feb 2010 Location: *winks*
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Apollonia Fergersnout Graduated Hogwarts RPG Name: Aurora Ackerly Ravenclaw Sixth Year Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Tessa McKinley Nesting Occamy Rentals
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| HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more Text Cut: Responses Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir "There's Godric's Hollow." The obvious choice, as Charlie lived there, though he didn't advertise that fact here in the classroom. "Technically, it's a small village, and muggles share it, but there's a lot of us mixed in. So it does have a dense wizarding population, in a way. The graveyard is like a who's who of famous families." Famous wizarding families, obviously. "So there's been loads of us there over a long period of time, too." Fergersnout would much prefer the thought that it was the change in seating arrangements that was causing such commotion rather than that HER subject was just that awful. Indigestion after lunch would make sense although she’d question what on earth the house elves had made to cause it throughout the masses. “Wonderful answer.” Full of much more detail than she had initially asked but that wasn’t anything new. Some students liked to show off just how intelligent they were. “Godric’s Hollow has a long history associated with the Wizarding community. Most notably it is famed as the birthplace of your founder” She nodded at Charlie’s Gryffindor tie. It did make one question what the village was called before Godric’s birth however. “As well as the location for numerous important events. The Ministry must’ve kept a close eye on the village’s muggle population.” What with the battle of the Dumbledores and the death of the Potters, there must’ve been memory charms thrown out left, right and centre. Quote:
Originally Posted by Chelliephone So... The current topic was smaller populations of individuals was it? Geography was also something Drake would not lost as his strong suits, but when it was confirmed it didn't have to be limited to wizards, he found he did have an answer and raised his hand. "There's a population of mermish folk in the Great Lake. And even with it having 'great' in the name, I imagine it can't house a huge number of one type of it's inhabitants considering how many different species call it home." He wasn't sure if that's exactly what she was looking for, but... He was trying to participate! The Professor hadn’t specified what type of magical population nor had she stated it must be a settlement like a village so what Drake had suggested was a perfectly valid response. “Yes, that’s brilliant out of the box thinking,” she smiled reassuringly. “The Great Lake is a hodgepodge of magical creatures and mundane animals although no memory charms are required on their behalf” she chortled. Not unless a muggle had developed the ability to speak to animals in which case they likely deserved to have knowledge of their community. Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 The third year was sort of disappointed that there was no debate today. He had rather enjoyed that particular activity. But whatever it was that was planned for today’s lesson, Ary was sure he would enjoy it too. “There’s Ottery St. Catchpole,” was the answer when he was called upon. “It’s somewhere in Devon and has a Magical and a Muggle community.” It was very nice that the two could live together even if the Muggles were clueless about their neighbours being witches and wizards. Such wonderful names these villages did have and so densely populated in the West Country, the reason for which she could only assume was because of the region's long association with what the muggles called ‘Witchcraft’ and its connection to Merlin. Besides, it was such a beautiful and rural area, who wouldn’t want to live there? “It is also infamous for its association with a number of well-known Wizarding families. The Weasleys, Lovegoods and Diggorys have all called the village home at some point. Such is the topography of the area that it was easy to conceal both Wizarding homes and even a portkey to the 1994 Quidditch World Cup.” She herself wouldn’t fancy the trek up Stoatshead Hill, not in her aging years anyway. The old knees probably couldn’t take it. Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising At least no debates. While that had been fun, Emma wasn't really the debating type. Huh, so they were going to be talking about villages. She listened as some of her peers listed of the more common ones - Godric's Hollow, Hogsmeade, Ottery St Catchpole. Drake bringing up the Great Lake with the mermish population was interesting. She thought back to her father's pro quidditch days - even though they were before she was born. Appleby Arrows, which had an interesting point. "There's Appleby in North Lincolnshire. Affiliated specifically with the Appleby Arrows, but actually many locations across the United Kingdom play host to the professional quidditch teams." Which would offer a window for others to name about a dozen other villages. It didn’t surprise her that someone would mention locations with associations to Quidditch teams. She admittedly was not overly familiar with the sport, nor had she often attended matches unless they had some historical significance that meant she would be foolish to miss it. “It is to my knowledge that supporters of Quidditch teams do not necessarily hail from that area, yes? It must be quite alarming for the muggles when their village's population exponentially grows during match days” she chuckled. Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger She did, however, raise her hand in response to the question, having listened to some of the other answers given. “What about places like Diagon Alley, or Place Cachée in Paris? They obviously have pretty dense populations of Wizarding folk, even if people don’t necessarily live there all of the time.” Although people did live in Diagon Alley now. She saw the flyers and stuff. And no, she didn't feel guilty about mentioning two places. Once again, Fergersnout didn’t mention that the population had to live there and therefore shopping precincts was a perfectly reasonable answer. Bonus points for choosing somewhere outside of Britain as well. “Due to the ease of transportation we have, it isn’t always the case that the locations we live in are near our places of work. Take for example Diagon Alley and the Ministry of Magic, both located within muggle London and MACUSA in New York.” Quote:
Originally Posted by noodles Uh.
Think, Ezra, THINK. “Upper Flagley?" Right? He really felt he had to contribute after the silly smile. It wasn’t a rare sight that a student found something funny but as far as Fergersnout could recall, there wasn’t anything particularly amusing said. In which case this student was just chuckling to his own thoughts. Well at least he was entertaining himself and not falling asleep on his desk. “That’s right. Another village found in the north of England, only this one is also home to St Oswald’s Home for Old Witches and Wizards.” She could think of worse places to spend her retirement. “I’ve heard the residents are rather partial to a practical joke on their carers.” Imagine the scenes of super speed zimmer frames! Quote:
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy Sydney didn't voice that answer for three reasons. One, she wasn't 100% sure that legend was true. Two, even if it was, neither of the two clans still lived there. One was dead and the other transfigured into creatures. And three, she thought The answer the professor was looking for was probably Godric's Hollow or Hogsmeade, and she didn't want to be wrong in front of everyone.
Staying quiet for now, she listed her classmates’ answers in her notes, along with a quick drawing to represent each place. Staying quiet was absolutely acceptable just so long that the student was paying attention. It seemed as if the first year was as she was scribbling notes on her parchment, or at least she hoped that it was notes and not pointless doodling.
Nevermind.. onto the next student. Quote:
Originally Posted by Kolyander Bry was immediately relieved in finding out that the current seating arrangement has nothing to do with debates. She hadn't done all that well with that last term. Nor was she all that great in remembering lots of names and dates and places. But this was a question she thought she could answer! Where did populations of magical beings live. Was it wrong to go with a completely obvious one? She didn't think so. Raising her hand she wanted to be called on before giving her answer. "Hogsmeade is an all wizard village. It's on the Highlands of Britain and students from Hogwarts get to go there on certain weekends to go shopping or visit the shops there." Apollonia was not a creature person, she preferred to admire them from a safe distance, but she could understand how being around them could make one lose concept of the time. Not that it mattered, Bryony had arrived with time to spare.
It was no surprise that someone would mention Hogsmeade as their answer considering it was their next door neighbour and there was always excitement over their visiting weekends. “That’s correct.” Which handily moved them onto the next part of the lesson. “Some fabulous answers. The majority of these pockets of communities were established after the creation of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy in 1689. After the persecution of the community, the people felt safety in numbers and moved into rural villages throughout the UK. This allowed them to attract less attention from muggles by working together to conceal their existence.”
“Today we are going to be concentrating on just one..” She waved her hand to reveal the scale model of Hogsmeade that had been concealed under the cloth. Enchanted to function just as the real village did with miniature people wandering its streets and smoke billowing out of the public houses chimneys, she was really quite proud of it. “Hogsmeade was established in 914 and its creation is mostly associated with Hengist of Woodcroft. Born in Woodcroft, Gloucestershire, Hengist attended Hogwarts and was sorted into Hufflepuff house, taught by Helga herself. Unfortunately at the time magic was misconstrued as being an ‘evil’ and Hengist was persecuted and driven away from his ancestral home by the local muggle population. Searching for safety lead him to develop a settlement near to the school, the first and only all Wizarding village on our dear island. Hengist used the Three Broomsticks as his base whilst he lived there.”
“Now obviously Hogsmeade has changed a little since its foundation but the buildings remain largely the same. In fact, some of the establishments have existed since its conception. Can each of you name an establishment and tell me a little about their history? Who founded it, what it was before it became that particular shop etc.” She wasn’t looking for an essay, just a few key facts they could recall. Nor did that particular building have to be a shop for there were numerous other locations in and around the area they could mention. OOC: There’s plenty of establishments to go around but just one each please. Both HP and SS canon is encouraged. You have around 24 hours again for this question.
Last edited by Lottiepot; 05-24-2024 at 07:37 PM.
Reason: Lottie can’t spell.