Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! Emmeline looked over at Emma briefly when her friend explained her lateness. It was good that Peeves wasn't involved at least, being forgetful not so much. Maybe she could give Emma a helpful planner to keep track of classes and whatnot for christmas? Attention back on front Emmie wrote down all the new spell information for the box blasting charm. It was almost like Professor F had read her unspoken question from earlier when he explained why they both had use of Cistem Aperio as well as Alahomora for opening locked objects and doors.
On to practicing the new incantation. "Sees-tem. uh-Pair-ee-oh." Emmie muttered to herself. "Sees-tem. uh-Pair-ee-oh.", "Sees-tem. uh-Pair-ee-oh." she kept practicing. It was hard to pronounce. It felt wrong in her mouth somehow and on her tongue. It wasn't until she had practiced the incantation another 10 times under her breath that she felt like she had gotten the hang of it.
The wand movement was supposed to be a connected C and V. Emmie had watched Prof F demonstrate it but it wasn't until she had stolen glances over at Drake and Aryan and seen how they practiced the wand movement that she understood how to do it. It was nice to have friends to look to when feeling a bit lost. So right unholstering her wand Emmie got to work practicing the wandmovement herself. The C didn't really connect fully with the V the first few times but she gotten hang of it eventually, not giving up.
Feeling confident that she had enough hang on the incantation and wandmovement she stood up and walked over to await her turn to try the spell on the locked chest up front. "Cistem Aperio!" Emmie casted but nothing happened because she forgot the wand movement, oops! Trying again with blushed pink cheeks she concentrated "Sees-tem. uh-Pair-ee-oh." not forgetting the CV wandmovement this time. The chest quivered slightly but nothing happened. Okay third times the charm....Emmie gave it another got saying/casting firmly with force. "Sees-tem. uh-Pair-ee-oh." with her CV wand movement and this time the chest blasted open to reveal a blank piece of paper which Emmeline retrived before returning to her seat.
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