HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Wait.. Did Anna genuinely think that she was performing a dance routine with an inanimate object? Aurora just assumed she was being a great friend and pretending to avoid any embarrassment on the Ravenclaws behalf. She sort of slow blinked before deciding to go along with whatever story the Hufflepuff was weaving. “Umm.. Yes. But not a very good one.” Too solid, not enough flexibility. “Have you worked out how to awaken them yet? The suits of armour I mean. Because I don’t think needing a dance partner is enough of an emergency for them.” She recalled back to a conversation they’d had previously.
She would’ve been listening to what Feirgrund was explaining had she not been watching her bestie’s eyes well up. She leaned closer, sliding her hand into Anna’s and giving it a gentle squeeze. “Are you okay?” she whispered, concern etching on her face. “Is it allergies? My Ma says weed pollen is the worst in September.” Her eyes darted over towards Ezra, to the Professor and then back to Anna. Listening would just have to wait.
..Or not. Suddenly the rest of the class were practicing their spells and Aurora had absolutely no clue what she was doing. It was lucky that the incantation had been written on the board really as distractions happened all too often for the fifth year. Despite Anna’s.. moment, she had apparently been able to tune in so the blonde attempted to copy her. “Seeeeeeeees-tem uh-pair-eeeee-oh.” Oh how she wished that incantations could be simple and easy to recall. “Why can’t it be openus boxius?” she spoke out loud, her nose wrinkling like a rabbit whilst practicing drawing a C into a V in her neatest cursive writing in the air with her wand. She was happily getting along with repeating the incantation and drawing pretty CV’s in the air in different fonts until she heard the third year's rather worrisome answer about concealing bodies which stopped her dead in her tracks.
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