Thread: Fourth Floor: Library Stacks and Study Areas
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Old 05-13-2024, 01:13 PM   #3 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Molly Wyndham #cf4269
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Solomon Duck
Seventh Year

x5 x2
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Commandeering her favorite study table nestled by her second favorite stained glass window depicting a spring setting upon the Hogwarts grounds (occasional merperson tailfins or flying hippogriff to be spotted when you zoned out long enough staring at it), Sage had spread her notebooks, parchment, quill, inkwell, and other essentials out along the side of the table looking towards the windows while her bag sat on the chair nearest the window safely out of place but within reach with an simple Accio under the table. The position may not be the best in terms of its proximity to the potions section, but it was just a couple and breezy strides to the Herbology section which was where the majority of the stack of books clutched to her chest had come from. Said books were dropped set on the table with a thud that caused her inkwell to tip over and where it not for the Slytherin being particularity diligent with her notes earlier in the day would have caused quite the mess. Instead a small pool of liquid obsidian formed on the table and clung to the bottom corner of one of her fresh pieces of parchment.

"Tssk," she chided as she reached over to turn her the inkwell rightside up and patted the pocket of her robe for her wand to clean up the mess only to feel Aspen's smooth and cool scales tangle around her fingers. "Don't start playing hunt the thimble with me...I've got things to accomplish today..." she whispered affectionately down towards her pocket.
Solomon did not have a favourite study table, nor would he choose to hang out at the library, but he had managed to follow his friend, Sage, for the last few minutes, hoping to hang out but now had every intention to frighten her somehow. She’d absolutely LOVE that. He watched her get herself comfortable, make a mess with her ink, then utter away to herself. Weird. Sage was always confusing Solly in some way, and he never EVER knew what she was thinking and it was infuriating, but also drew him in every time.

He nursed a nasty graze upon his cheek, for the record, a token from his recent adventure getting into Quidditch and flying. He’d found himself feeling much better since putting his attention into sports and activities, and was incessantly bored of gobstones. He’d forgotten about said wound, and would most definitely be embarrassed by it.

While Sage remained distracted by talking to herself, Solly took his shot, and with a flick of his wand, sent a simple levitating spell towards her study books. Eat your heart out, Professor Feirgrund. Two books gently floated above her head and he held them there until she noticed.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________

_________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
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