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Old 05-05-2024, 01:02 PM   #2 (permalink)
Wilber Winterbottom
Hogwarts Headmaster
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Join Date: Dec 2022
Posts: 498

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Wilber O. Winterbottom

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster - Prof. Wilber Winterbottom (Wilber Winterbottom)

School Staff
Ancient Runes - Prof. Jordan Strum (NPC)
Arithmancy - Prof. Devon Conrad (NPC)
Astronomy - Prof. Celeste Gert (Holmesian Feline)
CoMC - Prof. Hadleigh Paton (Kolyander)
Charms - Prof. Ean Feirgrund (Charely Potter)
DADA - Prof. Dhruv Khanna (FearlessLeader19)
Divination - Prof. Septima Rook (NPC)
Flying - Prof. Amelia Adara (PhoenixRising)
Herbology - Prof. Callie Phlour (NPC)
History of Magic - Prof. Apollonia Fergersnout (Lottiepot)
Muggle Studies - Prof. Jeorge Leroy (NPC)
Potions - Prof. Amelia Adara (PhoenixRising)
Transfiguration - Prof. Norman Carton (MadMadamMalfoy)

Caretaker - House Elves
Librarian - Prof. Celeste Gert (Holmesian Feline)
Groundskeeper - Prof. Dhruv Khanna (FearlessLeader19)
Healer - Prof. Ean Feirgrund (Charely Potter)

School Poltergeist - Peeves
School Ghost - Moaning Myrtle
House Elves - Algamus, Argyle, Beezley, Nimma, Pips, Quirly, Schmoop, Tinka, Tippin, Toddles

see this thread for more information
    Alchemy - Prof. Callie Phlour (NPC)
    Apparition - Department of Magical Transportation
    Art - Prof. Ean Feirgrund (Charely Potter), Prof. Septima Rook (NPC)
    Frog Choir - Prof. Hadleigh Paton (Kolyander)
    Gobbledegook - Prof. Dhruv Khanna (Fearlessleader19)
    Latin - Prof. Jeorge Leroy (NPC)
    Magical Theory - Prof. Norman Carton (MadMadamMalfoy)
    Mermish - Prof. Hadleigh Paton (Kolyander)
    Orchestra - Headmaster Wilber Winterbottom
    Troll - Prof. Jordan Strum (NPC)
    Wandlore - Prof. Jordan Strum (NPC)
    Gobstones - Prof. Devon Conrad (NPC)
    Quidditch - Prof. Amelia Adara (Phoenix Rising)
    Quiz Bowl - Prof. Norman Carton (MadMadamMalfoy)
    Wizard's Chess - Prof. Norman Carton (MadMadamMalfoy), Prof. Celeste Gert (Holmesian Feline)
    The Bookworms - Prof. Celeste Gert (Holmesian Feline)
    Creature Companions - Prof. Hadleigh Paton (Kolyander)
    Drama - Prof. Apollonia Fergersnout (Lottiepot)
    Duelling Club - Prof. Dhruv Khanna (Fearlessleader19)
    Healers of Tomorrow - Prof. Amelia Adara (PhoenixRising), Prof. Ean Feirgrund (Charely Potter)
    Health and Wellness Group - Prof. Ean Feirgrund (Charely Potter)
    Magical Debate - Prof. Apollonia Fergersnout (Lottiepot), Headmaster Wilber Winterbottom
    The Quill - Prof. Amelia Adara (PhoenixRising)
    Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare - Prof. Callie Phlour (NPC)
    Wizard Card Collectors' Club- Prof. Apollonia Fergersnout (Lottiepot)

House Ghost - Nearly Headless Nick
Head of House - Prof. Ean Feirgrund (Charely Potter)

House Ghost - Fat Friar
Head of House - Prof. Apollonia Fergersnout (Lottiepot)

House Ghost - Grey Lady
Head of House - Prof. Norman Carton (MadMadamMalfoy)

House Ghost - Bloody Baron
Head of House - Prof. Hadleigh Paton (Kolyander)


Last edited by Wilber Winterbottom; 05-06-2024 at 03:09 PM.
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