Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein
She couldn't help the laugh that escaped at his apt comparison of himself to a snake, shaking her head in amusement as she did so. "Thankfully that perfect jawline of yours is also more hinged than a snake's." She replied, looking over at him and grinning. The way snakes could open their mouth was perhaps the only thing about them that made Vera shudder a bit, though it was such a small thing compared to all the reasons to love them. "I'm sure they appreciate you giving full credit where credit is due on who are the better hissers." As if in agreement, Sass's tongue darted out of her mouth in that way snakes sometimes did. Though Vera was sure it wasn't actually agreement and rather just her rosy boa catching sight of the mice she was handling for the others.
He WAS her favorite. And he probably had been for longer than she'd ever have cared to admit, even in a not romantic way. There was a reason she hadn't ever teased anyone or gotten as annoyed with anyone as much as she had Logan, wasn't there? She admired the smirk on his face for a moment, deciding it was much nicer to enjoy the look of his face instead of internally cursing him for being so dashing, before she replied. "I think we always knew I was your favorite, Loogie." She replied, using the old nickname in combination with her tease. "I know that look very well." She replied, eying Sass who was giving her much the same expression. Placing one of the wriggling mice in front of Sherbet (she had to admit, she did hate this part), she quickly turned her attention away to grab another for Sass before taking her and putting her back into her own enclosure with her own snack. Quickly she magically replaced the glass, traumatized still from nearly losing her scaled best friend earlier in the term, before once more returning to the mice and grabbing one for Circe this time. With the creature acquired, she returned to Logan's side, reaching out the ungloved finger to gently stroke down Circe's scales. "You know, I think her look actually looks very similar to how you are before dinner." She teased, glancing up at him and poking her tongue out teasingly, before she reaching into to drop the mouse into Circe's home as well for when he was ready to return her. She'd grabbed Amie's too when they were ready to move on to the python.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |