Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch He always did tend to enjoy all of the 'side-quests' they went on over the years. Even when they were younger and he found her annoying and thought it fun to insult tease her, it was difficult for Logan to imagine Vera not being around in some capacity. But he, especially as of late, was quite pleased with how things turned out between the two of them. The silliness was always welcome (because they were Gryffindors, duh), and it was a nice bonus when lips were involved.
The quick kiss on his cheek was a bit unexpected, but it did make him grin even more. He would have given Vera one of her own had she not started giggling and making her way across the room to fetch her snake. He made a mental note to give her a smooch later, likely when she was least expecting one.
Eyes were rolled at the teasing about 'hissy' snakes. "It'll be either them or me if their feeding takes too long," he jested as meandered over to the snakes, seeing that there was no time wasted in tending to the rosy boa. As for his selection, he reached for Melody's snake. "Circe looks like she could use some lovin' first. Maybe after we both can give Amie some attention." His mum's python was quite a big boy in comparison to the others.
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