Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein Quote:
Originally Posted by Bumblebee After a long and busy week, Etta found herself sitting at an empty table with her very own chess board she brought from home. Truth be told, she wasn’t very good at the game even after her friend Ezra taught her to play. Oddly enough, Henrietta enjoyed playing a game she wasn’t good at even if it meant playing on her own. Because it wasn’t about winning or losing, it was more of a way to clear her mind. Chess was like a puzzle in some ways and puzzles relaxed and challenged her mind.
With a deep sigh, Etta moved a piece before glancing at the window. There was so much going on in her head. Recently she began feeling blue unexpectedly. Finding herself a bit quieter than usual, Etta found the wizard’s chess pieces attacking each other after specific moves quite comical.
A giggle escaped her lips.
The youngling continued to fail and succeed at her own gameplay. Drake had found himself with some free time and instead of infringing on Bryony and Aryan's time together, he'd opted to go down to the greenhouses by himself and get some digging done. He always loved doing that - the perfect way to spend an afternoon! And then once he was done, with some dirt left under his fingernails (despite the earlier handwashing) and some smudges on his cheek (which he'd failed to notice), he'd headed right back to the common room to figure out a way to pass the rest of his time. He probably could have stayed longer, but his tummy was rumbling so he'd needed to grab some snacks.
Walking through the entrance, chewing on a piece of jerky as he did so, Drake was still wondering what he was going to do with himself when an answer appeared in the form of another figure in the common room. With a pleased smile, he opened his mouth to greet his friend - before noticing she was playing wizard chess which he believed required concentration so he stopped himself from distracting her. Instead, the boy just tiiiiiiptoed across the room, sliding into the seat across from her and staring down at the gameboard too. "Whose winning?" he whispered, like that would make him less distracting. Heh.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |