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Old 05-01-2024, 03:22 PM   #51 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Hadleigh Renee Paton (DarkGreen)

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Bryony Rose Paton (#FF69B4)
Fourth Year
Default Adorable Baby Bro! <3
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post

His siblings may all be spoilt but it was difficult to notice because the three didn’t display any signs of being that way. Viano aimed to follow their lead. The three Thanatos children were certainly role models in their own way. However, he couldn’t really help it but be most motivated by Vesper. It was definitely the extra effort she continually made to help him adjust and not be homesick. Perhaps being most motivated by her was his way of reciprocating the energies and time she put into him.

In Viano’s opinion, Vesper was more than capable of conversing with him in Italian, though sometimes she did use the wrong word and it left him momentarily bewildered by what she was really trying to say to him. The little guy grinned. “You and I are always in agreement about everything.”

“Do you need glasses?” Vi quipped in zest. “I’m the baby!” He too giggled. See? Vesper’s habit had rubbed off on him. Who knew how many more would. “Do you think it’s a good idea to let Vasco take over the sweetshop when he’s older? I think more of the chocolates would be eaten rather than be sold.” He was joking of course, and he planned to tease his adoptive brother about it at some point. “What can I say?’’ Vi continued sassily. “I steal traits of the persons I like.”

What else did he want? Viano shifted from foot to foot as he studied the displays. “Peanut butter and jellyfish and Chocolate dragon. It doesn’t have to be much. One piece is of each is enough for me…” Again, he was still adjusting to being able to get what he wanted with no questions asked. “Ice mice? Are they actual mice?” That possibility was quite disturbing.
Vesper saw nothing at all wrong with being spoiled. It wasn't like she was a brat about it and went around rubbing it in other peoples faces. She was always very humble about all the things that she had. It was so easy putting in the effort to make him feel welcome and like one of the family right away, because he was. Viano fit in with them perfectly. No one could tell Ves any different.

In times like those, Vesper was left fumbling for words or trying to describe what it was she was talking about. Sometimes in the silliest of ways that made even less sense that what she had originally said to him. "Of course we are! How can I not agree with a cutie pie like you!" She giggled, reaching out to playfully smush his cheeks.

"You are?! When did that happen?" Vesper smiled. Obviously she knew exactly when he became the baby of the family. "That's a good question, he does eat an awful lot of chocolate, doesn't he?" She would gladly get in on the teasing of their big brother with him. Cue big wide eyes and a fake gasp! "Well start stealing traits from me! We all know I'm going to be your most favorite," she joked, lightly ruffling his hair.

Nod nod. "You got it." Did he know what a good kid he was? She was definitely going to be spoiling him anywhere they went today. Viano's question about the candy being actually mice had Vesper giggling and shaking her head. "Nope, they only LOOK like mice.. but they do make your teeth chatter and squeak for a bit. It's fun."
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