04-30-2024, 06:21 PM
Boys’ Dormitories  (Graphics credit to Charely Potter) A simple carving of a badger holding a thistle (the national flower of Scotland) marks the round entrance door to the boy’s dormitories. The arched ceiling corridor beyond is very simple in design and resemblant of a secret underground passage for what lies beyond each of the doors adorned with their respective numbers is what’s most important.
Each year has their own dormitory but all are very similar in decoration. The students all have their own individual four poster beds, soft yellow curtains hanging on each side for privacy from nosy dormmates. The beds themselves are covered in handmade patchwork quilts that look as if they’ve existed for several decades but are clean and cosy and homely enough for them to take pride of place. The bed is raised up to allow storage of school trunks underneath and each bed has a small chest of drawers for a bedside table.
The stone walls support copper sconces letting off a soft glow of light throughout the whole room. Students are encouraged to bring small personal items from home to make their stay at the school more comfortable. Cosy on down for a good night’s sleep and don’t stay up talking to your friends for too long. |