Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein Brie certainly did hear the girl this time she corrected her, but it was to be determined if she was going to remember it - or even if she did, if she'd still use it later. For the time being though, she just smiled and gave a small nod. “Right.” Daisies were a flower weren't they? She'd been on the money if you asked her.
An explorer father?? Well… that was heaps and bounds more exciting than Brie’s own dad. Not that she would admit it. In fact, it was probably fine to start concocting some lavish story about what her dad actually DID do that was way more exciting than his mundane day to day as a stay at home parent to herself and all her siblings. “Are he and your mom still together?” A relationship with THAT much distance sounded hard. Or maybe if they were an arranged marriage and didn't like each other, that was actually a blessing. “I'm a half blood. Both my parents are magic but my dad came from a squib line because there's some other magical people sprinkled here and there.” Like Uncle Az and Uncle Quil and the like. “It's funny they didn't piece it together because my grandpa and his siblings all have names relative to Merlin so you'd think they would have pieced it together.” SHE would have if she'd been around earlier, to be sure.
That was more sharing than Brie had intended but
.. she kind of liked to talk about herself and the sound of her own voice, so she wasn't fussed about it. Now as for Hogwarts?? She fought to keep a grin from her face lest she start to look too unbelievable. “Well, Hogwarts is bordered by this giant magical forest called the Forbidden Forest and when they punish students for being bad, they actually send them in there to get EATEN by giant spiders! Although that's if you're lucky, because some kids I heard actually ended up being a giant’s toothpick! And there are SO many rules you have to follow, so the risk of getting in trouble is really high.”
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |