~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. If those persons and Tam herself were enough for her, then Dy was happy as long as Tam was content. Besides, it was quality over quantity that mattered when it came to having people in one’s life. Sometimes, the tighter the circle, the better. Dy dearly wanted to be a part of this circle and it seemed that she just may be accomplishing this without trying too hard.
Dear, sweet Tamara really needn’t worry about Dynah saying no to their continuous time together. Surely she would have noticed a pattern by now that the Hufflepuff never refused a request, and shifted things around on her schedule when she could? “We could get ourselves some treats. Hmmm, come to think of it, I could do with a cheese danish. Yes. That was a perfect snack. "Thanks!” With the way there was always a ton of stuff on Tam’s mind, sometimes she could be quite forgetful. Without further ado, she began leading the way to the cafe, still maintaining a hold on Tam’s hand while the conversation continued.
See, this is exactly why Dynah enjoyed talking music with her friend. Tamara understood, Tamara knew, and Tamara offered wonderful suggestions. Other than Dad Adi {who played the guitar just as a hobby}, there wasn’t anyone she enjoyed more than running ideas by. “Oh my goodness! That’s a lovely idea!” She gave the other girl a look of admiration. Her Ravenclaw mind was truly something Dynah liked. “I believe we will be able to put something spectacular together.” She then nodded understandingly. “Fair enough. He’s amazing! You should visit me one day so when can spend the time going through his entire discography!”
Such a cute little giggle! It was truly a melodious sound to Dy’s ears. Grinning, the older girl remarked, “I think your brain holds a lot of interesting knowledge already!” She resisted the urge to pat Tam on the head. And though she was thrilled to hear the next words, Dy couldn’t help but reply with words of her own that may sabotage the heartwarming moment: “I’ll always understand you but surely your family probably knows you better?” |