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Old 04-17-2024, 04:53 AM   #31 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alfie Adair
Fourth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Laini Gracae-Ryans
Third Year
x10 x1
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Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes was just one of those shops where Elio needed absolutely none of the merchandise, wanted less than half of it, and yet was inexplicably drawn to all of it. Half this stuff - if he were allowed to buy that much - would have come home and sat unused and untouched for... well. For probably ever.

Because Elio wasn't really a prankster or even really a jokester. His own brand of trouble seemed to be perfectly organic, that is, he couldn't seem to help it that trouble sprang up around him sometimes. He also couldn't imagine himself - here on the cusp of finally going to magic school - wanting to miss out on any of the lessons.

Yet here he was, arms full of Skiving Snackboxes, Extendable Ears, Instant Darkness Powder, the works. He'd wavered near the counter, eyeing the boxes of fireworks wistfully, because those were something he would like to get his hands on. Elio wasn't sure he'd be allowed to buy them, and even if he was, he only had 10 galleons (weeks and weeks of saved up pocket money) and seven of those were going on these things he'd already picked up, and even if he could afford fireworks and was permitted to buy them from the shop... Papà might be disappointed. Elio didn't know if that would definitely be the case, but his father did get kind of funny about being wasteful with money. Were fireworks wasteful? Hard to say. They were literally burned up, weren't they?

Of course, thinking about all that had made Elio dither over buying even his chosen items, and so he'd wandered around the shop a little longer instead, eventually ending up... here. Where the girl stuff was. Which was also where the pygmy puffs were, for some reason. And as Elio approached, he watched this girl puck up a pygmy puff and nuzzle it into submission. "Are you getting one?"

They were cute, but Elio was only tempted by them in the same way that he was tempted by everything else in here - flashy surroundings and bright colours doing all the heavy lifting. Really, he wasn't planning on getting any kind of pet, because he wouldn't know if Cosmo would like it.
Laini hadn't even noticed him at first. But when the boy posed his question, she was quick to answer it. "Um, yeah, I'm getting THIS one," she proudly held the creature out for him to inspect. Did he see how it was the cutest one of the whoooooole lot? It was no contest, really. AND she had already imagined their dream life together sooooooo. "I'm naming her Sophie. That's my sister's name." You see, Sophie graduated Hogwarts last year before Laini was allowed to attend. So Laini would bring Pygmy Sophie to school with her instead. Sophie 2.0. And she couldn't wait to tell Sophie 1.0!!!

For a moment, she looked like she'd say more about the matter, but instead she paused and looked at all the stuff he was holding. She had kind of forgotten that this was a store for more than just pygmy puffs. What other things people could possibly be interested in here was that of a total mystery to Laini Sage who hadn't really taken the time to peruse the other aisles. It kind of took her by surprise, honestly. So she focused on one or two of the things in his hold to wrap her head around it all.

"Are you getting all that?" Without meaning for it, her brows lifted.

Why hadn't he taken a basket?
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