Thread: Gryffindor: The Lion's Roar: Noticeboard
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Old 08-12-2023, 02:08 PM
Charely Potter Charely Potter is offline
Gryffindor The Lion's Roar: Noticeboard

Hung on the wall by the Common room's exit below the dorm room stairs and by the fireplace is the Gryffindor noticeboard. On your way in and out, it wouldn't hurt to take a pause and have a look. This is where you can find class notices, lost pets and items, and information about any other little gatherings around the castle. Each time a new notice is placed, the lion headpiece that adorns the top of the board gives a mighty roar. Take that as your clue to come have a look-see as it'll be updated frequently per new notice.

Have a notice of your own? Feel free to post it up for your fellow lions to see. You never know what you'll find!

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