• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
"Evening Celeste," Ean greeted. Seeing her dressed in green after Apollonia's choice in blue. Suddenly, he wondered if perhaps he should've gone with one single color. Oh well, no use changing unless others happened to follow suit. Instead he smiled softly from the grasped Dhruv returned, "I hear you, I just have the Hospital Wing left to close up," Though this was a conscious choice incase any medical emergencies came up before the students departed. But it was quicker packing things there versus unpacking. "Need any extra help with the packing?" Probably not, but he enjoyed helping his mates.
Summer plans? "Just spending some time with my kiddos and having a friend stay over," Mental nudge, nudge there before another greeting came his way. "Ah, Tapio, indeed. This year had went quite smoothly." He nodded, especially in comparison to some terms.
"Evening Norman, Wilbur, Amelia, " He greeted each just as the Headmaster took their rightful spot. "I'm doing quite splendid, how about yourself?" And there was the joke. While he was fluent in muggle references, the creature part was the main mention that stumped him. But it did take one of them to kick in his thoughts on the joke. The web. "If it's going where I think it is, sounds like Amelia got it. The ancient World Wide Web, a relic of the late 20th century," An educational joke was nice. |