~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. More often than not, they were among the first to the Staff Table. This wasn't a bad thing; this was just one of those opportunities Dhruv used to revel in the peace before the chaos. Chaos that they had grown quite used to and actually was quite fond of, by the way "Good evening, Apollonia,'' Dhruv greeted cheerfully, silently approving of their colleague's chosen robes {was there a time they didn't approve}. They took their place, glancing towards the Entrance again. There might be a colleague right behind. Or maybe a student who was eager to get this Feast over with. Speaking of things ending... his fourth year as a Professor had been a remarkably quiet one. There had been one or two unexpected happenings in their life, which either left them amused or baffled.
It was one of these happenings that was on Dhruv's mind as they drummed their fingers idly on the table while they waited for the Hall to fill up.
Last edited by FearlessLeader19; 04-04-2024 at 12:57 AM.
Reason: I'm sorry for missing Apollonia >_<