Tapio was in the office he'd attached to the groundskeeper's cabin when he'd taken on that post, packing away some books and papers and trying to tidy things up before the end of the school year. Nearby were some seedlings that he'd started in pots, which he intended to transplant out in the garden surrounding the cabin when he was finished inside. He did enjoy the quiet out here on the grounds, though it sometimes made him feel a bit isolated from the rest of the school. He was looking forward to seeing his family again this summer, especially Isla, his wife. Both his sons seemed to be doing well--his youngest was finally back in school, at the urging of his new girlfriend, who seemed to be a bit of a go-getter. All in all, it would be good to be home again.
Behind Tapio's back, a small green lizard named Fred crept stealthily down from one of the windowsills and made his way into one of Tapio's baskets (hopefully the one with the snacks packed in it!)