HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Aurora was not an artist by any means and describing others art was clearly not one of her fortes. The most she would say was that something was ‘pretty’ or ‘interesting’ or if it was something she didn’t like but was too afraid of causing offense it would be ‘unusual’. None of that emotive nonsense that art critics made over something as simplistic as a banana taped to a gallery wall, she was either too stupid or too confused to understand.
Not that Hogwarts had anything THAT strange in its hallways. Boris was.. a choice. One that the Ravenclaw was yet to truly understand but she was presently working on it. So engrossed was she in developing a backstory that she didn’t heard the footsteps approaching until that someone was stood directly by her side. “Hi Zara” she smiled as she turned her head to look at her fellow fourth year with the most incredible hair. “How long has this been here? I don’t think I’ve ever stopped to really look at it.” Truly she had no reason to but she didn’t think she was so unobservant that there was something quite so large that she had managed to miss.
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