Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Quote:
Originally Posted by Lottiepot Despite it being her fourth year at Hogwarts and with all the exploring she had completed over her time at the school, Aurora had never taken the time to really look at some of the strange art installations throughout the corridors. The paintings had always made sense, the portraits had personalities of their own and could tell you their stories but some of the statues were so odd and had nothing to go by that she had been forced to determine the backstories herself.
Take old Boris here, the statue with his gloves on the wrong hand. Poor Boris was obviously SO confuzzled in his day that he hadn’t even noticed how uncomfortable it must be to have your little fingers in your thumb holes and vice versa. He also had his commemorative instillation in what the Ravenclaw would describe as the quietest corridor in the school. She was sure that Ancient Runes could be very interesting to those who understood them but unfortunately the blonde didn’t fall under that bracket and therefore that particular floor had remained fairly untraversed.
How she had managed to make her way there that day she wasn’t sure. It must’ve been her feet simply taking her where they wanted to go without directly thinking about it. They had stopped her right in front of the statue that she was now gazing up at with that curious head tilt puppies did when they were confused by something. 'Strange art installations' was a really modern way to describe the centuries-old (she assumed) statues and such at this school. Zara was really more of a landscape artist herself; though she did dabble in portraits every now and then, she had yet to try her hand at sculpture, like old Boris here. Actually, she would much rather try her hand at sculpting little miss Jr. Bewildered, the pretty pet she'd met over the summer, than old Boris with his dumb gloves.
"Whatcha doing?" Zara wondered aloud, sidling up to Aurora and joining her in a head tilt of her own. Only while Zara was looking at Boris, Zara was looking at her.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |