~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Dhruv had taken their time to finish up grading a stack of fifth year essays. The task had left them with a mild headache because while there were some essays that were well researched and written, there were a few that were not. A professor could always tell when a student put their heart into academics, especially a professor who had a fair bit of teaching history under their belt. They’d have to have a one-on-one with the latter group of students whose essay they graded but for now… “Apollonia, Ean,’’ Dhruv said with a small grin, greeting their coworkers. “Don’t mind me. Just here to join in on the fun.” With that, they set off further into the room. “Ms. Grimaldi,’’ the acknowledged on their way to… ah, where did they sit? That question was soon answered when they spotted Adi’s son and Vera. “Ms. Thanatos. Mr. Atreyu-Rehman. Mind if I join you two?” Ary wasted no time in poking Vera right back. The two shared a relationship like that, uh huh. “Howdy, cowgirl,’’ he said cheekily. “Now you need a pair of boots and a hat to go along with that title.” He dearly wanted to poke good fun at Vera for some more but their DADA professor turned up and asked to sit with them. Ary threw Uncle Professor Khanna a sus look, much like the one he had given Feirgrund. “Hi, Professor. I don’t mind.” Did Vera?
Even though his mind was working about how he could use Khanna’s presence for his and Jan’s mission, the second year rested his gaze on the professors, in turn, who were hosting the activity. Oh. Lovely. Learning a new charm today was just what he needed! As for that question…
His hand went up in the air almost instantly. “There’s The Wizard and the Hopping Pot. Um… maybe we need smart clothing for the father. Since he was kind and helpful, and people were always visiting him, I think he would have dressed simple but always neatly.” |