HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Aurora was for sure one of those kids who gained energy from being around lots of people. It was never a popularity thing however, she was oblivious enough to think that even those that found her irritating were on her friend list. Aurora simply loved people. “A lot of my friends are fifth years which means soon they’ll all be studying for their OWLs and apparently I’m a bit distracting.” Even when she tried to help out, she could be a bit of a hindrance without any malicious intention. Maybe she’d have to try and accost those in her own year soon, or perhaps she should attempt to study herself considering her exams would come around soon enough and she’d need all the help she could get.
Hogsmeade, albeit small and quaint and having very similar shops to Diagon Alley, was always a welcome change to the monotony that was the castle. It also had the advantage of being a pretty walk down through the scenic Scottish highlands. “Have you been to any of the other shops yet? I wish there was a Floreans.. or a menagerie.” Honeydukes was fun but there were only so many free samples that a girl could consume before she was sick.
Tam was once again one of those well-read Ravenclaws who could recall information like she was reading it out of a book. Aurora on the other hand, was not. It always fascinated her how intelligent her fellow housemates were, they were like encyclopaedias. She giggled. “I hope so. She wasn’t very happy being pregnant, it was my Mom who carried Ariadne and I. She was veeeery hormonal.” She was used to Layla being grumpy but the emotional side was new.
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