Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein “I’ll hold you to it, Thanatos.” She replied, grinning at him. Though of course she didn’t truly mean that - considering he would know his cat best. If he thought she wouldn’t have appreciated the snow, he was probably correct and had naturally made the best choice leaving Beelz to curl up back in the warmth of the castle. Especially if they were about to start hurling the frozen water at each other. “So far I’m not bored.” She agreed, giving a nod of her head. As for a book they’d all read? “Something tells me it might be even rare still for in class too.” She replied, which earned a nod of agreement from Vera which caused her to laugh softly. She couldn’t fault her there - honestly, Allie didn’t like to read the class texts either.
As all agreed to the team selection, she grinned at Vasco and his comment - allowing her own competitive streak to shine through as she batted her eyes at him. “I don’t know, I’m hoping I can slip some by you because I’m cute.” She teased, though she wouldn’t actually resort to any tricks like that. Maybe. She was fully planning on relying on her athleticism. And she would have said preparation too, believing they’d maybe have a few moments to strategize or make an arsenal…
But the ball Logan threw dashed that idea and instead she simply gave a laugh as she winked at the twins and scampered backwards to get some distant between them, before picking up her own handful of snow and packing it into another ball to shoot Vasco’s direction as well.
Truthfully? Vera would have been VERY curious to know what it was that Vasco had planned. Did her brother have good ideas? Generally. But she wasn’t sure if that would extend to this area too. It just wasn’t something she’d seen from him before. But she also didn’t spare much thought to it, especially now as she caught sight of the expression on Logan’s face which she could only assume either had him thinking about libraries or mentally questioning her choice. If it was the former, she was pleased. If it was the latter well… she supposed that just meant she’d have to provide evidence for her hypothesis at a later date.
Excuse, why was SHE the one who was blushing from Allie’s comments? It was clear the Slytherin was well matched for Vasco, which Ve was currently loving and hating as she poked her tongue out at the girl and the emphasis on the word couples again, before pseudo glaring at her brother and his smirk for good measure, before responding to him. “I’ll remember you’re on my team.” And she would. What he should be more concerned about was if she would care. For now, she did, but what sibling could resist the bait of throwing a snowball at their brother, hm?
Now with the official decision of teams, she returned Logan’s squeeze before stepping back to her brother’s side as well and smirking at him. “Don’t worry, I promise not to tease too much when you lose later.” She informed him, before apparently the game was afoot as Logan threw the first shot. With a squeal, she ducked away from Vasco, scooping up a bunch of snow as she took advantage of both aiming at Vas so she could find shelter.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |