• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
Oor perhaps he was mistaken all along. Denzel was stunned, to say the least. Not so much Bowie's downplaying their status but also their train of thought. Oh yeah, and that question. "A date.. is this your humble way of having me ask you out, Sir Goldilocks?" He couldn't help but smirk at the thought. He preferred to be direct, and if not. Well, he had a smooth way to change the subject, so he thought.
His kids, "I have two boys, 6 and 4 years old," Adding, "Been caring for them since my divorce few years ago," Though he had help, occasionally. It was his main priority overall, without regrets. "I take it you don't have any?" The imagine of miniature golden manes running around was challenging his usual poker face. "Well... maybe that can be arranged." Depending on his earlier response. "But getting a drink or bite to eat would sound better first, right?" |