Thank goodness, this hallway is heated.
Meandering through the corridors of the dungeons, with that single thought in mind, was Archie. An imaginative third year Slytherin, but one who absolutely hated the cold. Being more of a spring or summer person, when the weather is at least somewhat nice and warm, there would still be an air of gratitude about himself while making his way over to the Potion's classroom. Seeing as this was quite literally the lowest floor of the castle one could get to combined with the natural fact that hot air rises, without the charm that was currently in place on the would be, extremely frigid otherwise. But, Archer didn't need to worry about that and was very thankful for the fact that the place was nice and toasty.
Getting into the classroom, it would be the same. As such, the mood of the O'Brien snake would be reflected in a similar manner. Smiling and waving while making his way to one of the desks towards the middle of the room, he'd greet the Professor "Good morning Professor Adara!" Several other waves to his housemates, Sloane, Ary, and Bry as well. That wasn't to discredit anyone else in the room either, those were just the first few people he'd offer the non-verbal hello to; also giving a like-minded enthusiastic wave to the others (Aurora and Mona). Before class would begin, he'd go about setting up his gear.
__________________ ... MISUNDERSTOOD ... DILIGENT ... SECRETIVE ... |