On this Friday morning, the third week in January, a Potions lesson might be the last thing on your minds before the weekend. But at least when you enter the dungeon corridor towards the potion classroom you'll be greeted with the customary warming charms in both the corridor and the classroom. Not too warm as it could impact potion brewing, but a comfortable 22-23 degree celsius. And of course the bright colours and portraits that Professor Adara worked hard to adorn the walls with over the last 18 months to try to make the dungeons less dreary.
The potions mistress can be found near the front of the classroom. Don't underestimate her cheery, bubbly personality as she won't tolerate tardiness. "Good morning, go ahead and set up your brewing stations. We'll get started shortly." Lesson Progression Q1: Provide a joke or funny anecdote
Potion Brewing:
Steps 1-6;
Steps 7-12;
Steps 13-16Quick clarification
Q2: Some possible uses for the laughing potion?
ooc: this may be the first IC lesson, but not the first OOC lesson. Come post your arrivals and we'll get started officially in about 24-25 hours from now Lesson has started !!!