Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein Quote:
Originally Posted by Lottiepot Hogsmeade weekends were always a treat. The blonde loved living in the castle but a change of scenery was always appreciated when Hogwarts was beginning to become a little monotonous. She had practically skipped her way along the long path to the village, keeping an eye out for a friend or two to join but had no such luck. Instead she headed for the beloved sweet shop whose colourful wares displayed in the windows were drawing her attention.
Aurora had no reason to be buying a tonne of sweeties other than because she could. It was a terrible idea that the small amount of pocket money she had been making from doing an older student a favour, would be entirely going on confectionery. The fourth year was already bubbly enough to not need extra sugar flowing through her veins and yet as she sauntered down the aisles of Honeydukes shoving nougat and fudge and ice mice and sugar quills into her basket without a thought over how much it’ll all cost.
Passing by the free samples counter, she stopped in her tracks at the bright red jelly slug that she subtly popped into her mouth. Tamara often liked to find different areas of Hogsmeade to set up camp and play her cello as a soft serenade to shoppers darting in and out. It wasn’t always appreciated, and when someone said something she usually scurried away on the verge of tears. But she still tried, because sometimes it WAS appreciated and there were kind words spoken which kept her feeling happy and light as a feather for weeks on end. She was itching to maybe get some of that natural euphoria today too, but with Christmas coming just around the corner there was something more important that needed to be done.
Primarily, Christmas shopping.
A notoriously bad gift giver, Tam had taken to settling for getting everyone some of their favorite sweets and treats for every holiday. It was something she knew could be enjoyed, and even if they all started to expect it from her at least she knew they would enjoy it. Picking up a shopping basket at the door, she made her way through the different aisles - grabbing things she knew her family enjoyed as she made her way over towards the sugar quills. It was while passing the free samples that she realized there was a familiar blond and with a shy smile, Tam slowed her steps. “Hi Aurora.” She greeted, not having talked too terribly much to her eldest sister’s best friend but recognizing her all the same. “Are you buying Christmas gifts too?”
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |