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Old 02-02-2024, 11:10 PM   #19 (permalink)

Alley Proprietor
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Apollonia Fergersnout

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurora Ackerly
Sixth Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

x12 x6
Default For the Sprog of Spatulaclaw <3
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

Visiting Diagon Alley was not on Daniel’s list of favourite things to do. The street was far too loud most of the time, the shops all crammed in next to each other meaning that wandering its length resulted in being too up close and personal with some rather unsavoury characters. He’d never admit to it openly but he actually preferred the openness of seaside town St Ives where his parents still lived and he grew up, despite its close proximity to a large population of Muggles.

The only consolation of visiting the street during November was that the irritating brigades of children were at school and not getting in his way. His daughter was exempt from any opinion of spawns, mostly because he had not been around for the majority of her growing years and was left getting to know a very mature young lady who was wise far beyond her years. He was proud to be Rowan’s father and her company he could withstand, that didn’t mean he wanted to be exposed to the presence of any more children however.

The reason for his visit today was to collect ingredients for the potions he had promised his mother he’d brew. He knew Trixie was perfectly capable of creating them herself but she took great pride in knowing that it was HER sons that made the potions for her class at Wizarding University and he was incapable of saying no to her. He would likely do the same for his father too despite their conflict throughout the years. Call it emotional maturity, Daniel had mellowed a fair amount over the past decade or so.

But that didn’t mean he was perfect, hence the stoic, emotionless expression as the six foot man whipped the door open to the Apothecary with quite some foreboding presence.
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