Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein While Allie was acutely aware her favorite Ravenclaw was also a bookworm like herself, she couldn't imagine scouring the romance shelves with her would have been his idea of fun - which is why she had not asked him along. Had she been looking for anything other than her usuals, she probably would have coordinated, but as it was this had been easier. And it gave her time to not get distracted by a handsome companion and instead have a chance to flip through some of her new purchases.
Though as she turned another page, pulling her scarf further up over her nose only to be interrupted by a slight sound and a greeting, the slytherin looked up and suddenly couldn't remember why the distraction wouldn't have been a very, very welcomed one. Her scarf slipped down again, which revealed her grin as she beamed up at him. "Hey to you too." She replied, closing her book to shove it back into her bag before standing and brushing off the dirt from the stump. It was then she also noticed Vera and Logan behind him and gave a wave as they continued to approach.
While she had not heard Logan's first question to his mate, she did hear the second and gave a small as she grinned over at Vasco. "Oh dear, I think they've figured out our plan already. Should we immobilize them before they can get away?" Turning back towards the Gryffindors, she followed her own tease up with a proper greeting as well. "Hi Vera, Hi Logan." "I'm glad you're not annoyed. Although, I could have sworn Puddifoot seemed exactly your vibe." She replied, giving a small giggle. It was not her type of place either, and if they HAD gone there she was certain it would have been difficult to not make jests about the entire experience throughout their time. No, this was a far better decision. At his question towards her twin, she snorted in amusement, but mimed keeping her own mouth shut. Vas was far more forgiving of what his best mate said.
Vera eyes shifted from Logan to watching her brother as they walked, hazel eyes full of curiosity. Vasco was usually quiet, but he seemed even MORE quiet and she couldn't tell if that was because he found being around them annoying... or he was just very focusing on meeting up with the fourth to today's quad. An answer seemed to become apparent when they had reached distance of spotting Alouette and Vasco was the first who managed to make it to her side. Curiosity turned a bit to amusement as her eyes shifted to meet Logan's when he looked at the pair too. She couldn't decipher exactly what his thoughts were about them, but she certainly would have plenty of time to ask later.
As for a book club? The idea alone made her groan, and if she hadn't been the instigator of this go begin with she might not have put it past the other two. "Try it and I'll just have even more motivation to pelt you both with snowballs." She replied, smiling at them both and giving a nod of hello towards Allie and her greeting. "which speaking of, snowball fight sound good to everyone? Boys against girls or cou-" she stopped herself from saying couples, quickly changed her word choice. "Vasco and Alouette against Logan and I?"
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Last edited by Chelliephone; 02-02-2024 at 06:45 AM.