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Old 01-31-2024, 02:45 AM   #131 (permalink)

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Archie O'Brien
Third Year

Originally Posted by astrocat View Post

Ashley happily took the napkin from Kayne, and proceeded to magically stick it to her arm. She did not explain why, but figured it was obvious that she couldn't forget it now! "I'll check it out as soon as I get home. And I might just have some of my friends look at it too." She carried a small amount of influence in certain circles, you know. She knew people who knew people. If they liked Kayne's blog... it could be good for his career!

"No, my book is a fiction novel. I... couldn't handle writing a story from my own point of view." She didn't like the thought of people knowing every detail of what she'd been through, so she'd made up a character instead. "But everything in the book really did happen. I didn't exaggerate or make it less bad or change any of the important details. It just... isn't me being the main character." It was important to her that he knew she wasn't making things up. Not that he'd think she was, but she'd been accused of it before. "I don't know that I'd call it lovely. But I think it's pretty good and I'd be happy to send you a signed copy." He could expect it in the next week or so. "I'm writing a short story collection right now, in between my art shows. I mean, if people were moved by my novel... I have so many more things I want to say." She was a better writer than talker. She had so many ideas that she needed to share... "I want to touch people's lives with my art and writing, Kayne. It's my way of giving back." She looked at him with a very particular expression of hers, one that was a bit scary to look at because of its intensity. Crazy, a little. But Ashley truly thought she was capable of big things with the time that she had been granted.

"So anyways, Divination. I particularly like methods that involve water, or observing the sky and certain birds." It was an abrupt topic change, but Ashley Fox's mind was a quite abrupt place and she did not always remember to have a segue between different ideas.

There was no comment made on the High Head Witch of the Hogwart’s Marsh sticking the slip of paper to her arm. In a certain aspect or another, it was relatively punk to a certain degree; in the sense of just not giving two cents about what another person might think on it. Much like the collection of tattoos in which Ash now possessed as well. However, he would give cheers to her sharing his fashion blog to her friends. The more people who read it, the better. So long as they were respectful when reading or commenting on it, but if they were anything like his friend, they most certainly would be.

However, Kayne would listen as the other would recant a bit more about the book she wrote. He did find it extremely intriguing. Writing was an art form in and of itself, so to hear that she was able to do something which made her happy and gain success off of it at the same time was just truly amazing. There was no other way to put it in all honesty. "Call it what you will then, but I personally will still be expecting said signed copy. Let me know when you drop some more stories then as well, and you'll be assured to have another person in attendance at your signings for those." The words would flow out, briefly pausing for but a mere moment, then picking right back off where it was left "Judging from the sounds of things, you have already touched the hearts of many. But why stop there, there's a whole world you've yet to conquer still from the sounds of it, in that same breath. So here's to your future endeavors in all of those fronts. Just don't go about conquering it like how Lucian attempted to, we see how well that turned out for him." There was no stutter in the utterance of the dark wizard who tried to send the world into a tizzy, and succeeded for a short time. Ultimately though, it was true. Men and women like that would always fail in their attempts. And that's the sole reason the Mordrake didn't have qualms speaking on the experience of it either.

Going from that though into the change of topic, a smile would purse his lips. "So it seems you've at least carried some of my knowledge with you after all these years then. Good to know I've made such an impact. Obviously my forte still remains seen in smoke and mirrors, but omens read in birds and the clouds are still as true as those read in the looking glass."

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