Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! Entering greenhouse this afternoon for plants class Emerald was struck immediatly by the lovely smells. The flowery smells always brightened her mood like this time and it made her shoot their professor standing up front a big smile in greeting "Hello Professor DeVries!" Choosing the number one plant which had a nice purple colour and smelled nice Emerald made her way over to sit next to Desiree. Knowing her track record in classes it was probably best to sit with or near a senior student so that she could get assistance if things went awry. "Hi Desiree, mind if I sit with you?" Emmie asked suddenly a little nervous. The table with Ary, Bry, Drake and Pheobe was full, but she had chosen to sit with Desiree anyway even if that table hadn't been full. Emmie wanted to concentrate and not mess up.
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