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Old 01-30-2024, 05:11 AM   #10 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Hope Archard
Fifth Year

SPOILER!!: Greetings and Answers

SPOILER!!: Ary and Drake

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
He took in the layout, the plants and the professor at the whiteboard. The man got the usual finger wiggle-wave before Ary’s attention moved to the board. Okay. Those were simple enough instructions. ... "I kinda likes two..." Yes, Ary did like two. That plant would be his choice to take with him.
Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
Entering through the doorway with a bright smile, he offered Professor DeVries a greeting before his attention shifted to the plants and the instructions. He could only pick ONE? Cue the slight dismay as that was not a decision he liked making. How were you supposed to pick a favorite? "Ummm. I don't know yet. I might be a second!" he replied, stepping off to the side ... There was no love for mint yet. ... Reaching his decision, Drake stepped forward and grabbed a mint plant from the third table before going to sit with his friends and fellow Slytherin second years.
"Hello, Mr. Atreyu-Rehman," Tapio replied. "And good day to you, too, Mr. Beery." He could not help smiling at Drake's enthusiasm and Ary's characteristic finger-wiggle, but most of all at the sight of one boy practically dragging the other along. Such enthusiasm for Herbology! Ary went for the marjoram right away, but Drake took so long that he was one of the last to pick, to Tapio's relief. He'd been wondering if anyone was going to pick the mint and was glad someone finally had.

SPOILER!!: Phoebe

Originally Posted by astrocat View Post
"Hi Professor Devries, principal of plants!" After enthusiastically greeting the professor of her most favorite subject, Phoebe looked at the instructions on the board (for once). ... "All these plants smell so nice! Is this one medicinal? Can I theoretically eat it? It's so pretty!"
Goodness, so many questions! But Tapio was loving the love for Herbology he sensed this afternoon. "Hello, Miss Calypso. Yes, they do smell nice, don't they? That's not always the case with plants, is it? And yes, all three can be medicinal, and they are all edible. We'll be talking more about all of them shortly."

SPOILER!!: Aurora

Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
There was no doubt in Aurora’s mind as she entered Herbology, a subject she was trying her hardest to be good at, that the pretty purple flowers on table number one would be coming back to her desk with her. ... Once she had settled in a seat did she send a beam over to the gentle giant of a Professor. [b]“Hi Professor! It smells really good in here today.”
"Good afternoon, Miss Ackerly, it does, doesn't it? Hopefully I won't inflict any really bad smells on you today." Tapio was glad to see how she nodded at everyone. A number of the students this term seemed to be quite friendly and it was good to see. Ah, a lavender for this one; no great surprise.

SPOILER!!: Mitsuki

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Her keen interest in floral color theory made her choice an easy one as she entered the greenhouse and offered their Herbology professor a soft bow of the head in acknowledgement.
Tapio gave a nod of the head back to Mitsuki, in very courtly fashion; he'd been bred on the Continent, after all, and knew quite well how to behave, despite his awkward size and looks. Hmm, another lavender...interesting.

SPOILER!!: Desiree

Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
She greeted her head of house with a cheery smile. “Hello, Professor Devries.” Taking note of the instructions on the whiteboard, she glanced at the three plants on the tables. ... As for which one to pick, that was a no-brainer! Lavender was one of her favorite plants.
"Hello, Miss Marchand," Tapio responded. Everyone seemed in a good mood today, which was a relief, because Tapio himself was a little depressed, though he made an effort not to let it show in front of his classes. And yes, another lavender plant. Tapio had guessed that that one would be popular.

SPOILER!!: Bryony

Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
Her smile faltering quite a bit, Bry stepped into the greenhouse trying not to focus on anything but greeting the professor with wiggled fingers. "Hello, Professor Tapio." More wiggle fingers and a light smile was then given to everyone else before she spotted the instructions to collect a plant to take to her seat. ... Quietly she picked up the one closest to her, a lavender plant..., not everyone was in a good mood. "Hello, Miss Paton, good to see you today,". Tapio tried to make his greeting extra nice to her. It had almost seemed to Tapio that Bryony's mood took a downturn when she caught sight of the greenhouses--he hoped that didn't mean she didn't like Herbology. But no, one should never assume that someone's mood is because of you, Tapio remembered; she was an adolescent girl and might be upset over almost anything. And of course, she went for the lavender, which would hopefully soothe her feelings.

SPOILER!!: Archie

Originally Posted by natethegreat View Post
And upon entering into this particular lesson of Herbology, he'd immediately greet the Professor with a kind "Good afternoon, Professor Tapio. Lovely day, 'innit?" His accent somewhat clashed with the more British expression ... And then when finally having fully sauntered up, there was the choice to be had. Not a very difficult one though, for he saw the purple from the lavender and without even so much of a second thought about it, grabbed one of those.
"Yes, it is, isn't it? Good afternoon, Mr. O'Brien," Tapio responded, suppressing a chuckle at the clash between the boy's words and his accent. He really had no room to laugh, after all; Tapio could still remember how he'd sounded trying to use local expressions back when he'd first come to Scotland--Dutch accents and Gaelic words didn't mix that well. Tapio couldn't help but smile at Archie's enthusiasm, though, both for class and his fellow students. And yet another lavender! Well, at least a few people had picked the other two plants.

SPOILER!!: Emmie

Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
The flowery smells always brightened her mood like this time and it made her shoot their professor standing up front a big smile in greeting "Hello Professor DeVries!"

"Hello, Miss Vance!" Tapio responded. He was starting to cheer up from the good moods of the students and their enthusiasm. Ah...another lavender (perhaps he should have picked something less dazzling to compete with the other two plants...)

Tapio was a bit distracted today, but not so much that he didn't notice it was time for class to start. "All right, class," he said stepping forward to the center, "let's get started. Now, I hope everyone has had a chance to pick a plant by now. If you haven't, please get one as soon as possible and take it to your seat.

So, let's start with a few questions. We have three plants here--Lavender, Marjoram, and Mint. Can anyone name one of characteristics of one of these plants? Or what is something they might have in common?"

[OOC: So, as the man says, answer either of the questions, as you will--just don't answer everything at once, try to leave room for other students to name some things. You'll have about 24 hrs. for this.]

Last edited by MadAlice; 01-31-2024 at 05:50 AM.
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