~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Rafael had actually been in the sitting room with a crossword puzzle on his lap. He rather enjoyed crosswords as they put his knowledge to the test and he was quite absorbed in the remaining clues when the shattering sound came out of nowhere. He quickly looked up, looked around then back down at the crossword as he wondered if he had imagined the sound. Sometimes, after being abruptly jolted out of his world, Rafa had trouble deciding if he had imagined the sound that initially brought him out of it. He decided this wasn’t the case when the new sound of glass pieces moving around reached his ears. His immediate concern was his husband injuring himself so naturally Rafa hurried to the kitchen. “Didn’t injure yourself, did you?” he asked as he surveyed the kitchen and Dash while tucking the pen he’d been using behind an ear. Naturally he also spoke softly so as to not disturb the little humans left in his and Dash’s charge. “Need some help?” Too late!
The sound of something breaking had already awoken four year old Devad from his nap. Not that he had been napping for too long. He had only just trailed into the kitchen shortly after Uncle Rafa and now stood behind the man; Dev was rubbing his eyes, trying to get the sleep out of them. Now that it was {kinda}, he silently wrapped his arms around Rafa’s legs then peered out at Uncle Dash from behind.
Devad was here.
Don’t mind him. |