Thread: Grounds: The Wooden Bridge
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Old 01-23-2024, 11:20 PM   #2 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alissa Rhodes
Fifth Year
Default Felix!!
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤

Alissa, like the rest of her fellow fifth years, was in the midst of studying for her OWLs. Though it was different than it would have been if she was still at Ilvermorny, the general idea was the same. She was not unfamiliar with the the idea of a standardized test. Though it did come one year earlier at Hogwarts. It was fine, though, everything was fine. Except, as she was sure her fellow fifth years would agree, it was a lot of work. She felt like she was always studying. Even now, though she was outside for some fresh air, she was running through transfiguration principles in her head.

"Five principle exceptions to Gamp's law of elemental transfiguration," she murmured to herself as she walked along the bridge. Except, she wasn't merely walking. She was hopping, one foot and then the other. "Number one, food." She hopped forward as she named each one. Should she be hopping on something that looked as rickety as this bridge did? Maybe not. Though she figured that the structural faults were mostly for aesthetic. Surely magic was keeping it up. Right?
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